Guilt, Regret, and Love

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Normally I wouldn't do this but I think this chapter sums up the reason behind each Olsen triplet (yes that's the joke) feelings towards Y/N so things don't feel repetitive. Let me know what you think.

Elle's breath hitched and her heart pounded in her chest as she heard her husband speak on the phone. She couldn't make out what they were saying; she wasn't sure if they were speaking quietly or her brain refused to process what was being said. Either way, her feet continued to drag her to her bedroom and before she could even think about the consequences of her actions she pushed the door open, her cheeks blazing with emotion at the many possibilities running through her mind.

Whatever she was expecting, it wasn't her husband with his shirt off with his phone to his ear turning to the sound of an angry woman barging into the room vaguely expecting her husband to be involved in infidelity. Ford's eyes widened and he muttered a quick "Hold on" and looked at Elle " I didn't realize you were home." He said, not that Elle heard him she was too busy looking at her husband's toned chest and bit her lip becoming vaguely away of the sudden desire flowing into her. "I.... I... "she stuttered closing the door behind her as she walked into the room. Ford just smiled " Dr. Hooper and I were just discussing out next appointment for my psych evaluation" he told his wife before returning to the phone "Next Monday at 6?" yes I should be free then." He said nodding his head indicating that there was an agreement. Ford then hung up, before turning his attention to his wife. "Elle." He breathed huskily wrapping his arms around his wife and pressing his lips to hers. This finally jolted Elle out of her stupor and she returned the kiss feverishly wrapping her arms around her husband

She pulled away breathless for a moment staring into her husbands blue eyes and for a brief moment she saw a different set of blue eyes before her husband's lips were on her again causing her to jump in surprise as he upped the ante but running his hands down her side . "sorry to worry you..." he muttered as he trailed kisses down her neck, causing Elle to lean her head back and moan as she felt her shirt being lifted up

"Sam..." she whispered, trying to hold on to her sanity long enough before she forced Ford to join her in the shower. She no longer remembered the phone call he was on, though he had explained it. All she wanted was her husband.

"he's watching his cartoons." He'll be busy for a while Ford mumbled as he continued to pull up Elle's shirt, before she pulled away giving him a smirk "Shower" she said seductively before walking to the shower swaying her hips as she did so. She still needed to wash up and the shower would provide some cover for what was about to happen. She heard Ford behind her and smirked, turning her head slightly before giving him a wink. It wasn't the first time they had done this little dance, but they sure liked it.

Sam was none the wiser when the two later entered the living room ready to go make dinner.


The Next Morning, Leigh found herself waking up in the darkened lair she called her bedroom trying to make sense of everything that had happened at the hospital. She didn't want to admit it but it was the most prevalent thing on her mind. "Y/N." She tested the name on her tongue trying to feel it, taste it. It was an odd undertaking but even so, she liked just saying his name. that being said what was she thinking? It wasn't like she knew the guy but they were forever connected by the fact they were in the same area when he had crashed and she was the one to help him out. The other people left after giving their statements, most of them not wanting to get further involved. Leigh was the only one who decided to do more, and she still couldn't understand why. She told herself it had to do with Matt, and the fact she couldn't help him, but could help Y/N, but even Leigh felt like she was lying to herself but she couldn't pinpoint the reason as to why she felt this way.

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