Something To Belive In

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Fast Forward some more years to where the characters are in their final years of college.


It's been 6 years since everything has happened. In those 6 years, everything has been going great for me. Dawn, Courtney, and Cody have been helping me through everything.

Now, I'm at a jewelry store with Courtney searching for a perfect ring.

After being with Cody for 5 years, I was ready to propose. Courtney and I had been searching for a ring for about an hour, but couldn't find anything nice. One of the salespeople walked to us from behind the counter. "Can I help you two with anything?" She asked smiling. "Yeah, I'm looking for a ring. Preferably with a small emerald stone." I requested.

"Of course. Is she your girlfriend?" The lady asked looking at Courtney. "Oh no, she's my best friend. I'm looking for a ring for my boyfriend," I told her.

I saw the lady's smile slightly turn into a frown. "Is there a problem?" I asked annoyed. "None at all. You two just look so cute together," The lady said. My eye twitched slightly as I snapped at her, saying, "Well we're not together. We will never be together. She has a boyfriend and so do I." "Noah, chill. Let's just go somewhere else," Courtney told me. "Thanks for all your help. Have a great day," Courtney told the saleswoman who smiled as we walked out.

"Well, that's the third store we've been to. What store should we check next?" Courtney asked as we got in her car. "There's another store 'bout 30 minutes away from here," I told her. "Put your seatbelt on," Courtney instructed. I scoffed, "Court, I'm not 10 anymore. I don't need a seatbelt." "Put the damn seatbelt on before I make you take a cab." She threatened.

There is no way I'm getting in one of those germ incubators.

I strapped on the seatbelt and Courtney started the car. "So how are you gonna pop the question?" Courtney asked. "I'm gonna take him to this really nice spot in the woods so we can stargaze and hopefully ask him then," I explained. "I'm rooting for you," Courtney smiled. "Thanks Court. Why won't the car in front of us hurry the fuck up," I said glaring at the car in front.

Courtney honked the horn a bunch of times, and the driver flipped her off. Courtney rolled down the window and started screaming many curse words at the driver. She reminds me of Eva sometimes.

Time Skip

We had finally got to the jewelry store. The salesman was actually really helpful and helped me find the perfect ring for Cody.

This was it, my future would be with the boy of my dreams. I love Cody with all my heart and I wanted to spend the rest of eternity with him.

Courtney and I were driving back to the school. I text Cody to ask him on a date.


Bookworm<3: Hi Coco, do you wanna go stargazing tonight?

Gap<3: Hi Noah! Yes we can go stargazing! Where though?

Bookworm<3: I know a place. I'll pick you up at 7.

Gap<3: Oki doki! Love you <3!

Bookworm<3: Love you too<3.
Read at 3:56 pm

The entire ride back to school, I was smiling.




I was pounding on Izzy and Eva's door. Bowie was standing next to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Fucking hell Cody. You live less than 10 feet away. What do you need?" Eva asked opening the door. "IZZY CALL BRIDGETTE, LESHAWNA, AND HEATHER! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" I shouted. "What? Did Noah ask you on a date again?" Izzy sarcastically wondered as she called the girls.

"YES! AND IT'S IN THREE HOURS SO YOU GUYS HAVE TO HELP ME GET READY!" I cried. "Alright, chill. The Heather will be here in half an hour. Bridgette and Leshawna bare walking here right now. Where is this date?" Izzy asked hanging up the phone.

"He said we're going stargazing," I said. "So it's probably at a park or forest. You should wear something casual, yet classy," Izzy told me as someone knocked on the door.

"WE'RE HERE! HOW MUCH TIME DO WE HAVE?" Bridgette yelled barging in. "3 hours," I said. "ALRIGHT THEN! LET'S GO!" Leshawna directed.

🏳️‍🌈time skip🏳️‍🌈

Three hours had finally passed. Bridgette had just finished doing my hair, which was intensely painful. I was wearing a black and white striped shirt with jeans that Heather and Izzy had picked our for me.

The door had finally rang, and Eva opened the door. It was the love of my life: Noah.


I was standing in the doorway in front of Eva. I was wearing a black leather jacket with a red shirt and jeans.

"Is Cody here? He's not in our room." I asked. "Yeah. One sec," Eva said closing the door.

The door opened again, and Cody was standing in front of me wearing a black and white striped shirt with jeans. "You ready to go?" I asked. "Yep," He responded as we linked arms and walked downstairs.

The ring was in my pocket and I was walking with Cody towards the woods. We finally got to the spot near the lake and lied down on the grass.

We were gazing at the stars and Cody was pointing out every constellation that he could find. He was so cute.

"The stars are beautiful tonight," Cody exclaimed. "They are. You know what else is beautiful?" I asked. "What?" Cody said confused. "You are," I said as I got on one knee.

"Cody, ever since I first met you, I loved you. I knew I wanted to spend every moment with you. Cody Anderson, will you marry me?" I asked pulling the ring out of my pocket.

"YES! YES! ABSOLUTELY! YES!" Cody shouted as I pulled him into a kiss. I looked up, and saw a shooting star fly above us.

Time Skip <3

We walked back to the dorm rooms to share the good news.

We finally got to the dorms, and kicked open the door to Courtney's room. She, Eva, Leshawna, Bridgette, Bowie, and Izzy were all playing Mario Kart.

"Holy shit. What happened?" Eva asked pausing their game. "Guess who just got engaged!" Cody shouted showing off the ring.

"NO WAY!" Izzy squealed. "YEP! AND YOU ALL ARE INVITED TO THE WEDDING!" Cody exclaimed kissing my cheek.

This is my future. I'm with the boy I love. I'm finally getting married to him. This is my true happiness.


MERRY CHRISTMAS(to those of you who celebrate it)! NOAH AND CODY ARE FINALLY GETTING MARRIED!!!!! There was another idea I had for this chapter, but it was too complex and cruel, so I gave you all this one!

Have a safe, fun and happy holidays!

Love you all,

1170 words

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