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It was Friday night and that meant that today was the party that Geoff was throwing for me. I don't really go to parties, but this was to launch my class president campaign against Emma, so I could make an exception.

As I was getting putting on my makeup, I got a text message from Noah.

Hey Court do you need a ride to the party?

Sure that would be great

Priya's driving so get ready

Kk thanks

Anytime cya in 5


I had just finished getting ready when I saw Priya's car pull up in front of my house. "Get in Court, it's rude to show up late to your own party," Noah called out from the passenger seat. I jumped into the backseat of the car, and Priya started driving towards Geoff's house.

Time Skip because I can't write and i'm impatient with myself writing

We got to Geoff's house and Noah hopped out of the car, "Thanks for the ride Priya," He told her. "Anytime Noah, call me if you need a ride home. Don't do anything irresponsible, alright," She responded. "You got it, bye," He said walking towards the door with me.

I knocked on the door, and Geoff opened it for us, "Mocha! Noah! Welcome to my Mojo Dojo Casa House!" He exclaimed pulling us into a hug.

"If it's not to much to ask for, can you guys help me and Bridge set up?" Geoff asked. "Sure, where's Bridge?" I said. "She's in the living room setting up decorations," Geoff replied pointing towards the living room. "Do you know how to cook Noah?" Geoff asked Noah. "Yeah, I can cook, but can everyone here handle spicy foods?" Noah responded with a smirk. Whenever Noah cooks, he makes the spiciest foods in the history of spicy foods. When I first went to his house I was basically breathing fire.

"Most people can handle spicy foods, but there are some people who most likely will not be able to handle it. So how about you make spicy food, and I make some low-key foods," Geoff said. "Alright, let's do this," Noah said walking off into the kitchen.

About an hour later, everyone started coming in. Noah's food smelled great, I walked into the kitchen to get some of the food, but Noah hit my hand with the wooden spoon he was using. "Don't touch. It has to cool," He said holding the spoon getting ready to whack me with it again. "I can handle spice, I've been to your house before," I said going to get a piece of the food. "Fine, but I warned you," He said. I went to go grab a piece, but that thing was scorching! "OW!" I yelled. "Funny, it's almost as if I told you not to touch it because it just came out of the stove," Noah said rolling his eyes.

I walked out of the kitchen, I bumped into Heather, who had a drink in her hand. "Hey Heath, you shouldn't be drinking" I said cautiously. "C'mon Court, live a little," She said as she tripped over nothing. "No thank you, let's go say hi to Noah," I said guiding her to the living room, where I saw Noah sitting on the sofa talking to Katie "Hey guys, what's up," I greeted. "Nothing much Courtney, I'm just trying to get Noah to live his life a little," She said taking a sip of her drink. "No, my mom and sister would kill me if they found out that I was drinking, and your parents will kill you too," He responded opening his book.

I sat down on the sofa next to Noah, and saw Geoff stand up on the table, "ALRIGHT GUYS AND GALS, GATHER ROUND IT'S SPIN-THE-BOTTLE TIME!" Geoff shouted, clearly drunk. I always hated spin-the-bottle, but I needed people to vote for me, and for that to happen, I needed to play the game.

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