Blind Dates and Dreams Part 2

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It was 4:45 pm and I was still figuring out what to wear. You know what? Fuck it. I don't even want to go. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a sweater, and walked out the door.

I pulled out my text messages with Noah and started talking to him,
*Bold is Noah regular is Courtney*
hey im on my way rn

Don't sound to excited


whatevs have fun

ill try

I walked into the coffee shop and saw Gwen sitting in the back of the café. Oh. Hell. No. I quickly pulled out my phone and started texting Noah,

If you set me up with who I think you set me up with, you are dead.

I am so sorry she made me


She wouldn't let me.
After you go on this date, come to my place and i'll explain everything. I swear. Just stay for an hour and then make up an excuse to leave.

You better have a damn good reason for this.

I am going to murder him when I see him. I walked over to where Gwen was sitting and saw her smile. "What do you want? Why did Noah say that you made him do this?" I quickly and sternly asked. "I wanted to talk to you. Also, I didn't make him do anything," Gwen answered. If Noah's lying to me then he's a dead man.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked again. "I wanted to apologize. Seriously, I feel horrible about everything that I did to you and everyone else. Duncan made me write that stuff. He said he'd make me miserable if I didn't, but I know he planted that book there. I left it in my locker and only he new my combination. I never meant a word of it. I swear. You don't have to forgive me, or trust me, or be my friend again, but I need you to know that I am so sorry for what I did to you. It was horrible, cruel, and shitty of me to kiss Duncan and the. write about you," Gwen said with tears in her eyes.

Wow I didn't see that coming. "I forgive you. I don't trust you completely, and I don't think that's gonna happen for a while, but I do believe you. I'm not completely ready to be your friend again, but I'll try," I said smiling.

We spent a little while talking about what happened after we stopped talking during junior year. It was nice to catch up with Gwen. She told me that she heard that Zoey dumped Duncan, and now Zoey's dating Mike.

I remembered that I had to go to Noah's house to see if I was gonna murder him or not. "Well Gwen,  I had a great time. But I gotta go home. Bye," I said walking off. "Bye Courtney," Gwen replied waving.

Now to kill Noah Sterecera.



I was waiting in my room for Courtney to come to my place so I could explain everything to her. As I was pacing my room, I got a text message from an unknown number,

Well, well, well, you told Courtney I made you set us up. You'll pay for that.

Gwen chill

See you tomorrow Noah.
Read at 6:52 pm

Oh fuck. I'm screwed. If Courtney doesn't murder me, then Gwen is going to.

I heard someone knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Let me in," Courtney said barging in. "You have one minute to explain to me what you were doing," Courtney demanded. "Okay, so remember the day before break when I got really beat up?" I started. Courtney nodded her head. I continued, "That was the work of Duncan, Sierra, and Gwen. They beat me up, and then Gwen forced me to set you guys up. She was threatening me on Tuesday, that's why I was late for lunch. She forced me not to say anything, and now she threatened me again."

Courtney shook her head in disbelief before saying, "No, Gwen said she didn't do anything to you. You're lying."

Alright now Courtney's starting to piss me off. "Are you kidding me Court? You're gonna trust the girl who kissed then dated your boyfriend and wrote that horrible stuff about you, over your closest friend. The friend who's been with you through everything? Do you want me to show you the messages she just sent me?" I asked glaring at her.

"Fine show me the messages, I'll run it through an app. If it doesn't show any trace of editing, you were right and I'm sorry. But if you're lying to me, then we're gonna have some problems," Courtney told me. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and showed Courtney all the messages.

She scanned the messages and it all proved that it was true. I looked at Courtney who was still glancing at her phone. "So-," I tried talking before Courtney cut me off saying, "You were right. I'm sorry I called you a liar, and that I trusted Gwen over you." "It's alright Court. But now I'm going to die tomorrow, I should probably started getting my funeral planned out," I joked, walking to my laptop. "You won't die-," Courtney tried finishing her sentence, but the doorbell rang.

We walked downstairs and I opened the door to see Cody. Who had a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I'm not complaining, but my family gets SO MANY flowers from lovers that we could open a flower shop.

"Hey Cody, what's up?" I asked. "Oh um, I didn't expect Courtney to be here," He said softly glancing at Courtney. "Well, I guess I should go home. Text me later Noah," I nodded and waved goodbye.

"So what do you need Cody?" I asked again after Courtney left. "I LIKE YOU!" He blurted out. "more than a friend," Cody finished. "I like you too Cody," I whispered. "Can I kiss you?" Cody asked.

I didn't even answer him, as our lips were soon pressed together. We broke apart and I said, "I love you Cody." "I love you too Noah," He replied. "So does this make us boyfriends?" Cody asked. "If you want us to be," I answered. "Then I guess we're boyfriends," Cody said before continuing, "I gotta get home. See ya tomorrow Noah!" I waved goodbye and closed the door. I pulled out my phone to text Courtney,
I have a boyfriend


No, Duncan
Yes Cody 😒

Congrats! Im happy for you.
I gtg cya tmrw.



"It worked!" I cheered, when I walked into my house. "Really?" Heather and Alejandro asked. "Yep! I have a boyfriend now!" I said smiling. "Good job Cody," Heather responded. "Congratulations amigo," Alejandro told me. "Thanks guys, I'm gonna go to bed. G'night," I said walking upstairs.

I laid down on my bed smiling. I had a BOYFRIEND! I was so happy!


Woo hoo! NOCO! This one i swear is real and not a dream. I wonder what will happen with Noah and Gwen. Or what will happen when Sierra finds out. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Love you all,

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