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I woke up in the middle of the night for no reason. I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I assumed it was one of the nurses coming to check on me.

The footsteps got louder, and a person wearing a black mask came inside. The person took off their mask to reveal the face that traumatized me:


"Hey again Noah," She told me menacingly. "No, no, no, no, no. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in jail right now," I responded trembling. "Silly Noah. You really thought that you could get rid of me? Now, you're going to pay the price," Sierra said pulling a gun out of her purse. "Please, just leave me-," I was cut off by the shots that were fired at me and the world turned black one final time.

I shot up after that. I was breathing heavily and it felt like the whole world was spinning too quickly. My mom woke up from my quickened breathing. I don't know why, but I started sobbing. "Noah, what's wrong?" My mom asked me. "She was here Mom. She was here and she had a gun," I tried explaining through my sobs. "It's okay Noah. She's not here. You just had a really bad dream. You're okay though. The police arrested her yesterday, okay? It'll be okay, just breathe. Just breathe," She said softly.

After I had calmed down a little bit, my mom told me to try and go back to bed. I eventually fell back asleep, but was woken up constantly by the same recurring nightmares that I didn't even bother going back to sleep after the 4th time.

Long story short: I got absolutely zero sleep. I love being sleep-deprived.

Anyway, I was going to get up to get something to drink, but I was a bit too lazy to do that. So, I just lay down and tried to get some actual sleep.


Sierra: (btw this takes place after the police ask Noah all of those questions)

I was walking home from school. I was actually pretty happy. Noah was miserable, his friends were miserable, and his family was miserable. What more could I possibly ask for?

Just as I was walking down my block, I heard some police sirens from a distance. Oh crap.

I started walking closer to my house to see if it was my house they were actually investigating. "Are you Sierra Parkinson?" An officer asked me. "Yes," I said. " You are under arrest for the kidnapping and attempted murder of Noah Sterecera. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you," The officer told me, as they put the handcuffs over my wrists and put me in the police car.

No. This wasn't how my plan was supposed to go. Fine. You may have won this round Noah Sterecera, but I'll be back. Just wait...



I was at my house figuring out what to pack and what to leave behind. My mom said that we were moving back to Toronto. She said that it wasn't safe for Noah to stay here just in case the psychotic bitch that kidnapped him and murdered our dog got out of jail.

I understand why we have to move, but I don't want to. I know it may sound selfish, but I don't want to leave behind everything here.

I hated everything back in Toronto. Everyone at school was an absolute asshole. Everyone always bullied me for stuff I really had no control over.

I know, I'm a horrible person, and intensely selfish. But is it so wrong that I want one little thing that I like to stay the same?



I was finally waking up after getting some actual sleep.

My mom was sitting next to me looking at something on her phone. "Oh, Noah, did you just wake up?" My mom asked. "Yeah," I mumbled. "Okay, eat this," She said handing me another bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"Noah we're moving back to Toronto," My mom said randomly. "Huh?" I said confused. "We're moving back. It isn't safe for you if we stay here," She explained. "I don't want to move again though. What about everything here? What about your job?" I asked. "I know you don't want to move again, but it's all for the best. My job said I could work from home," My mom told me.

"When are we moving back?" I questioned. "Maybe a week after you get discharged from the hospital," She responded. I sighed in annoyance. "I know baby, but I just want you and Priya to be safe," My mom spoke softly, giving me a hug. "If you want, you can call Courtney or Cody and ask if they can come here to visit," She offered.

I needed to tell them that I had to move again, so I did call them to ask them to come to the hospital.

Courtney and Cody finally got here and came to my hospital room. "How are you feeling Noah?" Courtney asked, "I'm doing fine. I haven't really slept because of recurring nightmares of Sierra, I have been eating chicken noodle soup for two days already breakfast lunch and dinner, and I also have to move back to Toronto after I get discharged from this place. So yeah, I'm doing perfectly fine," I said sarcastically.

"What do mean you have to move back to Toronto? For how long?" Cody questioned. "Until I have money to buy my own place. My mom says it's not safe for me or Priya to stay here in case Sierra gets out of jail," I answered. "Do you have to leave?" Courtney wondered. "Yep," I responded.

"What's going to happen to us though?" Cody asked me. "We'll always be together. No matter how far away we are," I said sweetly.

"Ick, love," Courtney told us pretending to throw up.

We spent the rest of visiting hours joking around and stuff. I'm going to miss them a lot.

If only things were different...


HEY HEY HEY! WOWZA TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! I am the most sleep deprived person to walk this earth. hope you all enjoyed this chapter,

Love you all,

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