Lighter Pt.3

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Over the course of the next four days Ghost, and sometimes Soap, do what they can to bring you back. Soap drops off your favorite blanket, the dryer sheets you use, and your MP3 player. Sometimes, while he forces Ghost to sleep, he'll sit with you and tell you about his day, how annoying the new recruits are, and how Brenda in HR changed her hair again.

Ghost doesn't leave your side, even to sleep. He simply curls up in the chair until Soap leaves. He does everything he can to stimulate a normal day for you, even washing your greasy hair one night. He doesn't say much, not like Soap does, but his presence is constant, and he hopes you can feel him.

He's holding your hand, nearly a week after the 'ventilator scare', as Soap dubbed it, when something changes. At first, he can't figure it out, but as he scans your body he notices your eyelids are fluttering.

He watches with bated breath as your eyes flutter open.

"Y/N?" He whispers hoarsely, watching you squint.

"Y/N." He says sharply as he watches your hand come up to your face, tangling the wires. For a brief second he panics, thinking you are going to rip them out.

"Y/N." He says again. This time, your head turns towards him. His stomach drops as your face somehow pales even more and you start gagging. He presses the call button before carefully helping you sit up, rubbing your back as you dry-heave.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He whispers. His eyes flick to a glass of water that Soap had left for him and he grabs it, still supporting you with his other hand. He guides it to your lips, tipping it slowly into your mouth so you don't choke.

Satisfied, he slowly eases you back down, brushing your hair out of your sweaty face.

"Simon?" Your voice is hoarse and weak and barely audible but it's your voice. Ghost could almost cry.

"Bloody hell Y/N. You scared me." He murmurs hoarsely. His hands shake as he caresses your cheek with his thumb.

"Wha' hap..." Your voice trails off, and it scares him just a little.

"You got shot, and then, like a bloddy fuckin' idiot, you had me cauterize it and went into shock."You lost almost a liter of blood, and flatlined twice while they repaired your hip." He carefully grabs your hand, minding the wires.

"Oh." Your response is so low he almost doesn't catch it. But he does, and it makes him smile slightly. God how he missed you.

"Yeah, oh." He says softly, the elation at seeing you awake quickly being replaced by guilt. He squeezes your hand, subconsciously seeking comfort.

"How do you feel?" He brings his hand to your face, brushing your hair out of your eyes again, running his thumb under your eye.

"T'red." You mumble. He smiles sadly, watching as you struggle to focus on the hand on your cheek. "I bet. Go to sleep so that you can heal and I can yell at you for being stupid without feeling guilty." He murmurs softly, hand trembling on your cheek.

The nurse finally comes in, but it is too late, you have already fallen back asleep. She checks your vitals and makes a note in your chart before exiting the room, leaving Ghost alone with your limp form. There is fear in his heart that you won't wake up again, the only reassurance he gets is from watching the steady rise and fall of your chest, a silent but clear sign that you are still alive.

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