One Little Slip, a Lifetime of Regret Pt.2

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"Simon." You whisper, seeing him kneel in front of you. His hands cup your face, but you don't feel them. His face is bare here, all the little scars and blemishes that made him yours are gone. Your hand touches his cheek and though you see your hand make contact, you don't feel it. He does though, leaning into your touch.

"Where are we?" You murmur, staring out at the endless expanse of black.

"You are in limbo." He murmurs, his voice hoarse and rough as always, "and you need to go back."

"I don't want to." You cry, hands coming up to grab his wrists, "Please don't make me leave you."

His eyes are sad as he looks at you.

"You have to." He whispers, bringing his hands down to pull you into an unfeelable hug. Distantly, you think you hear someone screaming, but you shake your head and the silence returns.

You sob again, tears soaking the hem of your shirt.

"You can't stay here, as much as I want you to." He whispers, but the words echo through the darkness.

"Oh darling, I wish you could stay here with me" He smiles at you, love and sadness in his eye, "But I must let you go."

"You have to go back, darlin'..." His voice echoes again, a weight behind it.

"It's time for you to wake up."

"Wait for me?" You choke out.

"Always." He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your lips. This one you feel, your entire body flooding with warmth.

"I'll see you then." He whispers against your lips, "I love you."

"I love you too." You sob. You kiss him one final time, run a finger along his cheek, and let him go.

There's a sensation of falling as you watch Simon and the void disappear. The feel of his lips on yours slowly starts to disappear as you return to the world of the living.

There's a beeping in your ear, loud and startling in contrast to the silence of the void. You blink, the harsh lights hurting. Your body is numb, and it feels almost like you're floating. Your dart around the room, landing on Soap, who is sleeping in a chair next to you. You open your mouth to say something, moaning softly when you realize you can't open your jaw. His eyes fly open and he's over you in an instant.

" 'am so glad yer alive little bird." He says, grasping your hand. You groan softly, trying to speak.

"Dontcha do tha' now." He murmurs, "Ye broke yer jaw, it's bin wired shut." You reach for him, eyes widening as your hands don't move more than a couple of inches. You look down, staring at the padded restraints covering your wrists before looking back at Soap, question in your eyes.

"We though' it best tae keep ye safe based oan th'...nature o' yer injury." He says quietly, looking concerned.

.. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- You tap out on his wrist.

"I know." He says sadly, "I am too. You've bin out fer almost 2 weeks. I though'...I dinnae think ye were gonna make it." Your eyes widen at that. Two weeks?? It had felt like 2 minutes. I stare up at Soap, uncomprehending.

"Th' medics say it's a miracle ye survived. You've got ah shattered jaw, and ye got a scar oan the left side o' yer face, but somehow, ye survived." He runs a hand through your hair, "We 'ad th' funeral without ye, little bird. Sorry about tha', but we couldn't wait."

Tears streak your cheeks as soap runs his hand through your hair.

"Rest love." He murmurs. Your eyes flutter closed, and through the haze, you pretend it's Ghost who's watching over you. 

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