Wedding Vows

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"I love you." Your voice is thick, unshed tears brimming in your eyes, "And I only wish we hadn't waited so long to do this." You laugh softly, wiping your eyes, staring at the paper in your hands.

"I remember when I first saw you, thinking you were so pretentious for that mask, for refusing to talk to anyone. Later, I would learn that under the mask, under your closed-off persona, was a caring man, a funny man, a kind man, a lovable one. But of course then I just thought you were annoying." You laugh again, sniffing, "That first mission was certainly something, but we got through it. And eventually we learned to tolerate each other. And somehow, even though I was a judging, spiteful bitch, you still fell for me. And waited for me to clue in to the fact that you were actually quite a wonderful man."

"I wish-I wish I could go back and change everything. I wish I could make it so I didn't judge you, so I treat you kinder, and give us a chance sooner. Of course, the past is the past and we can't change it, only move forward. " You pause, a sob escaping you as you try to reign in control.

"These past years have been the best of my life." Another pause, the paper blurring in your hand, "every moment with you fills me with joy that I didn't know I could feel. And I-" Your breath catches, "-I know what you're thinking. That you are too cold and callous and have too many issues to have made this relationship worth the effort. But I'll tell you what I've told you every time you've told me you were sorry you couldn't be more affectionate, that we couldn't be like normal couples"

"I love you Simon Riley, just like I will in every lifetime and in every universe. You are mine, never forget that." You bend down, placing the ring on his chest and kissing his forehead.

Later, at the grave site, you bury your vows with him, tucking them into his hand before the coffin is closed and placed under the Earth. The flag you hold is heavy, and the dog tags against your neck are cold, reminders of time you regret wasting.

"Wait for me darling." You murmur to his headstone, "Wait for me." 

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