Lighter Pt.2

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You feel a sense of disconnect, being able to see your own body. It had been that way since you slipped into a coma on the evac. Just you, your body, and the voices.

There are voices, almost uninterpretable, that call to you from beyond the veil. You do not hear the words they say, but you recognize them. They belong to your mother, to your best friend, to a fellow soldier, to all people who have died under your care. They want you to join them, but the voices are faint and do not sway you. Instead, you tether yourself to the man sitting by your bedside. For 12 short hours, he kept you tethered to the mortal plane. And then there was a tightness in your chest and the tether snapped.

It had been an interesting experience. In surgery, you had flatlined 3 times, but each time it felt like there was a tether holding you to your body, keeping you from following the voices. But later, in the ICU with Ghost by your side, you felt the tether disappear. There was a sudden tightness, the first sensation you'd felt since slipping into the coma, and then the tether just snapped. You felt yourself fading, the voices growing louder and louder and louder. Your body tingled and you stretched out a hand, reaching for the voices, wanting to end the discomfort and just go.

But then there was a spark, and you felt as though someone dumped a bucket of cold water over your skin. The voices faded, and you came back to yourself, tethered once more.

"Their heart gave out." The doctors said, "The combined stress from blood loss and shock sent them into organ failure." You had watched in sick fascination as you were placed on life support, a machine keeping your heart beating and lungs breathing. For the past 3 days you had sat with Ghost, watching your chest rise and fall and rise and fall in a rhythmic motion.

"Listen, Y/N. I'm not- I'm not big on...on words." He shifted slightly, "but the doctor said talking is supposed to help you. I don't bloody know how, but I said I would give it a try. I-" He paused, fidgeting with his gloves, "-I don't-" He paused again, thinking, "-I'm sorry." He finally managed to get out.

"About everything. You should never have been on the bloody mission, but when Price said we were working with another team, I jumped at the chance to work with you." He paused, taking a steadying breath, "Which is stupid, considering I haven't been able to say 'I love you' to your face."

"And I'm sorry for that too. I'm sorry that I never say 'I love you', that I'm never affectionate in public, that I don't compliment you like I should. I'm sorry that I'm such a fucking bastard all the time." Now that he's started talking, it's almost like he can't stop. It feels like you are watching a train that you know is going to crash, and you can't stop it, but you can't look away either.

"I'm sor-" His breath catches, "I'm sorry that I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry that you got shot. I'm sorry, I...I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry. I swear, I swear, if you wake up, I will spend every waking moment making it up to you. I will do whatever you want just-" He pauses, hands trembling, "-just please wake up."

"Please don't." You whisper, "Please don't do this to yourself." You wrap your spectral arms around him, nestling your chin on his head, trying to provide comfort that neither of you can feel.

He hasn't left your bedside in 5 days, despite urging from Soap, Price, and even Gaz.

"I'm not leaving them alone. What if their heart gives out for good and I'm not there?" Had been his response every time someone tried to get him to leave. The doctors had only made his stubbornness worse.

"If they can't breathe on their own, then there is no hope of recovery. We are going to take them off the ventilator tomorrow and put them on a cannula, but if their lungs can inflate on their own, we may have to pull the plug." The doctor had told Ghost yesterday, face full of sympathy. So now you stood by your bedside, hand on Ghost's back, watching the nurses take you off the ventilator.

It is equal parts disgusting and fascinating, watching them pull the tube from your throat. Disgusting, because they were pulling a tube from your throat, and fascinating, because, well, there was a tube being pulled from your throat.

Almost immediately the tightness is back, squeezing like a vice. It is different this time. The world around you fades, and the voices come back, soft and inviting.

"Come home." The whisper to you.

Breathe, c'mon you can do this

"We miss you."

Please Y/N

The air is warm and comfortable, the scent of your childhood home filing the room.

Breathe please, I'm begging you dove

"Come ooooon Y/N!" The voice of your best friend echoes in your ears, drowning out the rest of the world. You reach for him, wanting to join, but something stops you.


"It's not your time." Your teammate whispers to you, her hand pushing you back to safety, just like she did the night she died. There is one high-pitched, steady beep in the back of your mind.

Please, Y/N Please!

"Go back." She says. She shoves you harder and suddenly you are back in the hospital. Ghost is crying, actually crying, and the nurses and doctors are frantically trying to get you to breathe. Your heart monitor is one long, steady line.

"Go back." She says again to you. She shoves you one more time and everything goes dark. 

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