One Little Slip, a Lifetime of Regret

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Ghost x Reader

A suicide mission you think to yourself, shaking your head sadly, that's what all this was for?

Ghost had come to you, nearly 3 months ago, telling you he didn't love you and didn't want to see you again. You gave him a day's space before going to talk with him, but he was gone.

And now you knew why. The stupid idiot had thought breaking up with you would make his death hurt less. But you didn't give up easily. You still loved him. And you would find him before time ran out.

"Ghost!" Your shout echoes through the building, his last known location. He'd gone dark almost 4 hours ago and you had gotten to his location as fast as possible. You spent the hour flight there with fear and frustration warring in your heart. Fear that the love of your life could be bleeding out, and frustration that he felt the need to break up with you before going on a suicide mission instead of just saying something.

A noise to your left breaks you out of your thoughts and you kick the door open, weapon out and ready to shoot. Instead of hostiles however, you find Ghost. He's slumped against the wall, hand on his stomach, a pool of dark liquid below him.

"SOAP!" You cry desperately into the radio, "I need medivac!"

You don't hear his reply as you drop to your knees beside Ghost. frantically checking for signs of life.

You breathe a sigh of relief. His pulse is slow and thready, but it's there. Almost on cue, his eyes flutter, and you find him staring at you, almost unseeingly.

"Y/n." You see him mouth your name, blood trickling out the corner of his mouth.

"Hey baby." You say softly, pressing your hand to his wound. He gasps, eyes screening shut. He opens his mouth again, to try and say something, anything, to you, but coughs instead. Blood, thick and red and dark, spills from his mouth, spattering on your face.

You can hear the distant sound of a heli heading towards your location. You look down at Ghost, who you notice is going pale. He looks up at you again, eyes fluttering.

"Stay with me." You sob, pressing his stomach harder. He barely even reacts, which worries you further.

He looks down at you with his bloodshot eyes, his breathing faint. He coughs again, and red spittle escapes his mouth.

"Not going anywhere, darlin'..."

"You promise?" It's a hopeless thing to say, but it's all you can think.

"Promise." He smiles weakly, eyelids fluttering.

"Soap!" You cry into the radio.

"5 more minutes sweetheart!" Soap's accent comes out thick as he struggles not to panic.

"Ghost, baby, I need you to stay with me." You say desperately, hitting his cheek as his eyes flutter shut.

"Darlin'..." His eyelids flutter open and his eyes meet yours, bloodshot but full of love nonetheless.

You feel his hand squeeze your own. He looks up at you, then at the wound.

"Sorry..." His voice is hoarse as grimaces with pain.

His body spasms, and his eyes roll to the back of his head.

"...I love you..." A dying man's final words.

"I l-love you too." You sob.

Your eyes drop to Ghost, his body motionless beneath you.

He's not breathing.

You scream then, cupping his lifeless face in your hands.

"Simon please." You beg, "please don't do this to me."

But he is gone. What remained of his soul slowly leaves his body in the most agonizing way imaginable.

Tears stream down your face as you cradle his body in your arms, and his head tilts to the side. His lips are curled in a small smile.

You reach shakily for the radio on your shoulder.

"Soap," you say through your tears, "Cancel the medivac. It is no longer needed." There's a long moment of silence from the other end.

"Fuck." Finally comes from the other side, Soaps voice shaky and thick.

You stare down at Ghost's lifeless body, running your fingers through his hair as you press a kiss to his already-cooling forehead.

You feel his soft blonde hair between your fingers, and you remember how much he loved it when you did this back at the barracks.

Ghost was always the type to be cold to people, but he turned into a puppy whenever he was with you, always wanting your attention and affection.

You kiss his forehead, as if hoping that maybe he will wake up again. But you know in your heart that he will never wake up again. Ever.

"Sorry Soap." You murmur into the radio. You don't listen for a response, tossing the radio to the side. You trace Ghosts face with your hands.

"I can not live in a world without you." You whisper hoarsely to Ghost. You slide your gun from its holster, place the barrel under your chin, and fire. The last thing you hear is the door slamming open and Soaps screaming.

Your vision goes black, and there is silence. No more gunfire. No more yelling. No more pain. Just the dark, quiet abyss.

And the ghost of Simon Riley by your side.

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