Caught - Niko x Aj

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this is set to when the beta squad used to live together by the way!!!

Usually, every week, or so, the five boys would host a meeting to discuss ideas or plans that they had. It was a somewhat reliable system. Every member was supposed to be there, but if they were going to miss a day, they'd have to tell the group and attend the next meeting. It was a little bit of a confusing concept for the boys to grasp, since the meetings kind of just popped out of nowhere and were usually initiated by Chunkz.

One random morning, on a Wednesday, Chunkz had called out from the bottom floor, for everyone to come out and have a chat. Three of the four people he had called out came into the lounge. Sharky, bags under his eyes, sleepily dozing off as he stared off into the distance. Kenny, quite energized, didn't appear tired, a small smile being worn on his face. Niko, stretching his abnormally long limbs as he walked, yawning.

Chunkz looked around, "Where's Aj?" He asked. Sharky shrugged, "Dunno," he said quietly. Chunkz directed his line of vision towards Kenny, "I don't know either," he laughed awkwardly. Niko spoke up, "I'll go get him," he quickly offered before Chunkz could even glare at him, sending a nod before he left the room to go up to Aj's room.

He knocked on the door while his hand was already on the doorknob, twisting it, making his knock completely and utterly useless. He spotted Aj lying on his side in his bed, body engulfed in his duvet, hands on his phone. Niko rolled his eyes, closing the door behind him as he walked towards Aj's bed.

Sitting down at the edge of his mattress, "You gotta get up, meeting was called," he said, twisting around slightly to look at him. Aj sighed, "Don't wanna," he mumbled, shrinking himself even more into his bed. Niko rolled his eyes, "Why?" He asked. Aj shrugged, "Too comfy," he replied nonchalantly.

Niko scoffed, "So you woke up, got all pretty and ready, and went back to bed?" He questioned. Aj flushed, "Yeah, basically," he stammered. Niko stood up and turned around to face Aj, "Mind making some space?" He asks. Aj scoots himself backwards, lifting up the blanket, allowing Niko to lay down beside him comfortably. It was times like this that only brought them closer.

The two laid down facing each other, Aj's phone was now down in between them. Niko took his phone and placed it down on top of the bedside table. Turning back to Aj, he cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a brief kiss, "You're not wrong, it is pretty comfortable here," he laughed softly. Aj smiled, "I'm never wrong," he playfully admitted.

Niko hummed in agreement, "You're so cute," he giggled quietly before peppering Aj's face with a bunch of tiny kisses. Tiny kisses, of which turned into a make-out. Aj had climbed on top of Niko, knees planted firmly against his mattress and duvet still over his back. Niko, his mouth occupied by Aj's, hands rediscovering every inch and crevice of Aj's body, sneaking a hand into his shorts and circling a finger around the rim of Aj's hole. How did that escalate so quickly?

Aj urged himself into Niko's intoxicating touch, a tongue slipping into his mouth assuring that no place will be left untouched. Aj broke away from the kiss as he felt a finger prodding at his hole, entering slowly and thrusting itself in and out of him. He threw his face into Niko's neck, heat radiating off of their bodies.

The two felt themselves getting hard, clothes doing nothing but restricting. Niko used his other free hand to pull down Aj's shorts, leaving him exposed underneath the blanket. He brought that free hand over towards Aj's ass, massaging it slowly as he inserted another finger, pumping the digits in and out of him.

Aj whined into the crook of Niko's neck, his back arching, shooting his ass into the air. Niko took that as a sign to add another finger, stretching Aj impossibly further. A long string of curses and moans were elicited from Aj, Niko's hand doing measures.

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