Kissed - Niko x Aj (Sharky x Aj)

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gay sex.... tb to the 2 virgins vid!!

Chunkz, Sharky, and Aj were giving Benji advice for his date. Chunkz gestured out his hand towards Aj, "Aj's gonna show you how a professional moves," he chuckled. Aj nodded, preparing his demonstration for Benji.

He's now stood behind the boys, at an angle of which he can still be seen, "Just me on a Saturday," he says, "Saturday night," he emphasizes. He smiles, his arms spread out at his sides, "you put me in there," he pauses, "I'm ready to go!" He chuckles.

He throws his hand in the air, "Yeah, get me a drink, mate!" He shouts. He then walks towards Sharky, hands on his hips, "Aye, who's that then?" He leans down and holds Sharky's cheek with his right hand, "Yo, come here," he giggles, leaning in for a kiss.

Sharky's eyes darted towards Aj's lips, captivating. He closed the distance between them and gave him a small peck on the lips. It only took a few milliseconds to realize what had just happened. Chunkz jumps out of his seat, "Yo!" He yells, "The fuck just happened?" He questioned.

Sharky's eyes move from Chunkz to Aj, whose finger was on his lip, touching it. He looked confused, his face had barely any emotion, eyes burning holes into the ground. He's soon brought out of his moment and glares at Sharky, "Sharks, what the fuck?" He laughs in disbelief.

Sharky laughs it off, in an attempt to play it cool. And it worked. The three boys began laughing, Benji stood opposed to them, confused. As their laughing fit began to dissipate, Chunkz walked towards Benji, "Now, that's what you do," he giggles. Aj's head shoots towards Benji and Chunkz, "Nah, nah, nah, don't ever do that," he scoffed, getting a small laugh from Benji in return.

The four boys went on with the video as if everything was normal, the other team completely in the dark as to what happened. In the end, the other team ended up winning anyway, to the other team's dismay. Kenny and Niko both held Gareth in their arms, chanting, 'The G!' as the other team watched in disappointment.

Niko smiled, "Listen, the G won," he said, "fair play, Benji, but unfortunately it just wasn't enough to beat the G," he added, "so, my friend, take it away," he looks into the camera. Gareth puts on his sunglasses, "Play the trailer," he finishes, everyone clapping for him.

Once the cameras are finally off, the boys all talk about how their day went, a certain event coming up. Chunkz slams his hand on the table, "Oh my gosh, you'll never believe what happened earlier!" He laughs, Sharky and Aj looking at each other with exhaustion then giggling.

Chunkz then began to reiterate the who entire story, receiving a few ooh's and ahh's from the other party. Sharky just laughed along as he told the story, while Aj on the other hand, was nervously over-analyzing everyone's reactions. He picked something up, Kenny's reactions were genuine. Niko's were not. If he was going to be honest, he was scared as to how Niko would take this information, considering they were in a hidden relationship. He gnawed at his bottom lip nervously, his palms began to sweat.

Niko laughed. He laughed, not a real laugh, Aj could tell. Oh, this was getting him nervous. He prayed and prayed, hoping that maybe Chunkz would just stop talking. He was zoned out, his eyes burning holes into the floor.

"Aj?" Some called out, "Aj!" They yelled. Aj jumped, snapping out of his trance and looking around frantically. Kenny had a smile on his face. Chunkz was turned around staring at him, most likely the one calling his name. Sharky's mouth pressed flat as he watched him. Niko looking at him, his stare felt stiff. He also had a stupidly smug smile on his face. Oh, how Aj hated it.

Aj smiled nervously, "Yeah, what's up?" His voice an octave higher. Chunkz rolled his eyes, "We were talking about what happened earlier with you and Sharky, I was asking you if it was funny," he smiled. Aj nodded, "Yeah," he cleared his throat, "yeah, it was funny," he laughed nervously. Chunkz giggled, "Yeah," he smiles before turning back to Niko and Kenny.

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