Come Dine With Me - Aj x Niko

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Aj and Niko have been living together for quite a few months now ever since the Beta Squad broke up, in terms of living together. Since they lived with each other now, they'd arrive at shoots together because they shared the same ride there and back.

It was about a half hour or so before they had to go film the first part of the Come Dine With Me series. Niko was quite keen on getting to places on time while Aj, not so much. Aj would lose track of time quite often and if it wasn't for Niko dragging him out of the house, he wouldn't be making it to shoots on time.

Niko looked at the time and got changed quickly, throwing on a hoodie and some sweatpants to match. He walked out of this room, made his way to Aj's, and swiftly opened the door, "Aj, we have to get going soon it's-"

Niko's eyes widened, "What the hell?" he said aloud. Aj looked at the tall figure in the doorway, with his finger in his ass and the upper half of this body buried into his sheets. Aj's eyes widened, face flushed from embarrassment, 'There's no fucking way I forgot to lock the door...' he thinks to himself.

He scrambles out of bed, makes his way to Niko, and tries to push him out of the doorway. Aj looked down in despair, "Don't you know how to knock?" he screamed, "Oh my days, leave, leave, leave!"

Aj's hands were placed on top of Niko's chest, he bunched up parts of his sweater into his fists. Niko looked down at the smaller man, completely naked, his head down. Niko felt his boxers get a little tight as his dick began to harden at what he had just saw. He knew what to do.

Niko was still in shock, but he wanted to help his best friend. And help himself. He quickly threw Aj against the wall, pinning him onto it and smashed his lips into his. Aj whimpers in pleasure. Niko pushes his tongue out, clashing it with Aj's teeth, asking for an entrance. Aj unclenches his teeth and lets Niko explore his mouth. Niko slots his hand into Aj's hair, massaging it then pulling on it, making Aj moan from the pressure.

Niko pulled away, making Aj sigh. Aj's chest was heaving, his face was hot and his eyes were lidded. His legs almost gave out on him, knees buckling. Niko's hands were placed onto Aj's waist, he pulled him in closer, making Aj stumble on his feet. He looked at Aj in the eyes, "I can help you, yeah?" Niko breathily asked. Aj looks at Niko with needy eyes, he purses his lips, then nods his head.

"Lovely," Niko smiles, lifting Aj up and bringing them both to Aj's soft mattress. Niko began to undress.

A/N ; whatever happens next is up to you guys, have fun and go to town with it

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