Ch. 12 ✨Your Colors✨

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*Two Weeks Later*
*Y/N's POV*

Man I KNEW I should've bought another dress! I've already ruined my other one by staining it on accident.

Now I have nothing to wear for tonight...shit.

I dig through my closet desperately, throwing skirts, sweaters, and blouses out on my floor and bed as if its rags.

Jason is taking me to That's Amore tonight! I have to look at LEAST nice, without stained clothes and shoes with rips.
I almost consider going out and getting another dress, but I only have twenty minutes before he comes back.

I'd never make it in time...

I sigh, sitting on my bed. Well this is just great.
Ooh! Maybe I can call Clarisse! She probably has something I can borrow.

I pull my phone out and begin to type her number, before a voice speaking makes me squeak in fear and drop my phone.

"Big plans tonight?"

I flip around to see Alastor leaning against my wall, arms crossed, smirk on his face.
Jesus does he EVER knock?!

I roll my eyes, grabbing my phone. "You really are the definition of ELEMENT OF SURPRISE, aren't you?"

He chuckles, coming to the front of me, eyes scanning my messy room in slight disgust.
"And why is your room like this?" he asks, flinching when he accidently touches one of my shirts.

Gosh he can be so weird sometimes...

I stand and pick up an arm full of my clothes out of insecurity.
"I'm going out with Jason tonight, and YOU!" I turn and point at him when his smile widens, getting an idea, "you are NOT coming!"

"How rude," he chuckles, "I was in the mood for some fine cuisine. But, do not worry, I won't be there tonight. I have plans made already."

"Oh?" I stuff my clothes in an already too stuffed drawer. "Like what?" I grunt, fighting to keep the damn drawer shut.
Alastor rolls his eyes and snaps his fingers.

And suddenly, all my clothes are hanging up and folded neatly.
I gasp under my breath. How did he do that?!

The look on my face is enough for him to answer my question.

"Another ability of mine. Anything I want, I acquire with the snap of my fingers."

Okay, now I'm JEALOUS. I've always wanted to have the ability to just have anything I wish right before me!
I chuckle. "Can we trade powers?" I ask, and he laughs, shaking his head. "I'm afraid not."

"Bummer," I sit on my bed. "Well, guess I'm stuck with what I got."

He stares at me in silence for a moment, before he brings a hand to his chin.
"Would you be so kind and stand up for me, please?" he asks.

I furrow my brow, but stand up like he asked.
He eyes me up and down, going around and around me, eyes on my waist mostly.


I almost ask what the hell he's doing, before he smiles.
"Yes, that should work!" he snaps his fingers again.

I frown, "what is that supposed to mean-" I trail off, gasping when I look down to see that my outfit has been changed into a stunning one sleeve red and black dress that ends at my knees, hugs at my waist in a not so tight, but just right, way.

The sleeve goes across the chest up my left shoulder, and pinned to it is a rose head.
And my hands are now red from gloves with black highlights stitched on them.

OH. MY. LANTA!!!!!

I look at him in pure shock, and he only smiles.

"I- bu- you-"

"No need to thank me," he responds, before motioning me to sit as he grabs my hair brush. "Let's style your hair, shall we?!"


"Now then," he stands behind me, staring at my hair closely, "what style shall we do, hmm? Perhaps a bun?" he grabs my hair and lifts it over my head. "A braid? Any style you want, you need only ask..."

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, looking over my shoulder at him. "I...I don't need any help."

"I saw you throw a tantrum earlier about not having any clothes, so I figured you would be pleased if I did this," he runs a finger down the sleeve of my dress. "But it appears I was mistaken."

"No! No no, I love it actually," I smile softly, touching the dress, feeling a little warm inside. "It's the nicest one I've ever owned." I look up at him. "Thank you."

He smiles, not a scary smile, but a REAL, soft, sweet, smile.
It makes me feel flustered, again. When he's not being so frightening, he has a really nice smile.

I quickly look away, clearing my throat before I request a simple bun for my hair.
He agrees, and begins to brush my hair, softly, one hand running down where he's just brushed.

I can literally hear my heart pound in my ears.

Soon, he's finished, and has tied my hair up in a bun.

"You should be good to go," he steps off too the side to give me room to stand up. "Take a look, tell me what you think of it."

I get up and go to the body mirror, gasping under my breath when I see the finishing touches.
My hair, elegantly placed in a bun from a golden rose hair pin which I had no idea he put in.

My dress, beautiful and perfect, and fitting me just right.
Its all so...amazing. No one, beside my mom and dad, has ever done this for me...
It feels really nice right now.

I turn to look at him. "Its almost like I'm wearing your colors," I remark, pointing at his red and black suit that I've never seen him NOT wear, lol.

He smiles, but its not a happy one, its slightly sad. Yearning, almost. But why?

"I hope so," he whispers, so quietly I have to strain to hear.
My heart beat raises. Was that a flirt, a wish? What could it be?!

I want to ask him what he means, before I see headlights shine through my window.
That's Jason.

Alastor sees it too, and he exhales a breath, putting on a mask of pride he wears all to well.

"I won't keep you."

"Okay," I clear my throat, "how do I look?" I ask.
"Like your ready to go and enjoy the night," he responds, simple, to the point, no emotion attached.

I nod, grabbing my purse before I head outside. I don't bother waiting for Alastor to leave, he'll leave on his own.
I'm already late anyways.

I run down the steps, not knowing that Alastor stands in front of my window, watching me, with a faraway, sad, look in his eyes.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now