Chapter Three

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Jodi's POV:

Monday Afternoon- The Heffley Residence:

I walk down the familiar sidewalk to the Heffley's, being already have memorized every crack in the concrete, once littered with the toys Rodrick and I had fought over 9 years ago, now weeds were shooting through the gaps. I listen to the sweet creeeeeeeak the gate makes as I walk up the porch, leaning to ring the doorbell. "Jesus Christ!" I yelp as the door swings open, Rodrick standing there, my finger still hovering over the button.

"Right on time." he cracks a grin, beckoning for me to enter. The house smells like home more than my home. All warm and imperfect. The pretty yellow interior. The sagging sofas. The quiet hums of all the electronics, The mismatched rugs...

"Just holler if you need anything, okay?" Mrs, Heffley smiles, placing a bowl of chopped fruits on the dining table as I set up my computer. Rodrick loomed over me, watching with his hands in his pockets, breathing down my neck (annoying asf)

"So....what are we writing about?" he asks, plopping down on the chair next to me. "Getting both of us a full mark with as least effort from your side," I hold up and apple slice, " 'cept for the snacks." He shrugs, leaning back in his chair, making it stand on two legs. I sigh, taking out my glasses, thinly framed rectangular 2.0 lenses. Here goes nothing... I bend over my computer, my fingers tapping on the keys at high speed.

"C'mon, Grant! One break! My ass hurts from sitting here all afternoon!" Heffley complains. He's been begging me for a break for the past ten minutes.
"You aren't doing anything, Heffley. I don't see why you need a break for sitting around." I snap, my back aching already. Three pages down.
"Then what do I do?" he whines, dropping his head on the table. I roll my eyes, grimacing. This is going to be a long project.

"Which one looks better?" I ask, turning my laptop so it luminates Rodrick's face. He squints at the screen, then he looks at me. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"
"A couple of paintings of the Civil War." I answer, "Which looks more interesting?"
"Um, the one with more people." he decides, popping a banana slice in his mouth. I nod, starting to centre it on the first page.

Two hours later, my mother calls.
"Hello? Jodi speaking." I answer. Heffley perks up.
"Come on home, baby. We agreed on three hours." I nod, "Sure, Mom. See you."
"What?" he asks.
"I'm leaving." I answer, saving my progress. He frowns a bit, turning to the red clock over the fridge. "Why's it already eight o'clock?" he mutters.
"You took a....nap." I answer, he had started snoring a while ago and hadn't woken until I purposely-on-accident made his elbow slip off the table.

"Um, just call if you have anything new...or" he says at the door. I smile graciously, nodding. "Sure thing, Man-of-My-Dreams."
I can literally feel him turn red without looking at him. "Good night Heffley. I'll expect to be seeing you tomorrow also. For babysitting your siblings and mine." I wave two fingers before pushing open the gate.

"Hey, lemme- lemme walk you there." he offers, bounding over to my side. I cock a brow.

"Walk me? It's like, thirty seconds away."

"I um, I insist." he presses, his ears and nose red in the wind. I stare up at him again, a thing I've been challenging myself to stop doing. He's always got that weird spark in his eyes. Like he's got something to say. A secret or a cheeky joke. Or something else.

I let out a sigh. "Fine, walk me home. I might trip on a leaf." I roll my eyes, arms crossed. He's smiling again, his shoulders straighter looking. "So, um, how're your siblings?"

"Oh, they're fine. I'm bringing them tomorrow, too. Dad insisted on it."

He nods again, eyebrows drawn low. We stop at my house. I thank him briefly before turning to the porch, trying to bolt without him noticing. He doesn't leave until I've stepped inside. He waves a little bit before turning on his heel and- get this -skips away. He's literally bouncing like he was told he was a fairy. I blink hard several times, following him with my eyes until his dark "Rock till Death" shirt couldn't be seen.

That boy's got something in his head and it can't be denied I have something to do with it.

"Did you get some work done?" Mom asks in the living room, Dad reading a novel in the corner. I nod, taking out my earbuds. "Yeah, but we've still got a bunch of stuff to do and edit." I reply.

"When is the next time you're going?"

"Tomorrow. I have to babysit the Heffleys and Christie and David."

"Oh, sure then, I've made tarts, give Mrs. Heffley a plate of them when you go, ok?"


"I don't think you should be going so much." Dad pipes in. I turn to look at him, confused. "Why?"
"That boy's just trouble. He can't sit and do something straight without at least doing something wrong twice."

"But it's just a project. And we'll have to keep an eye on the kids, too."

"Why can't he just come over this time?" Mom suggests.

"No." both Dad and I reply. The last thing I need here is Rodrick. Dad's hated Rodrick for the longest time. But not as much as I do. He just doesn't approve of

Mom thinks he's an angel from heaven.

I know he came from hell.

"Um, I've got homework. See you guys." I announce.

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