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Addison and Derek are in a situation, but Derek doesn't want to be thanked for the most boring sex ever. Addison says they used to be really good at this. They want to go at it again, but bump their heads against as they move to do so. Derek's phone rings.

Meredith hangs up the phone as Finn walks into his office with Doc. Doc looks good. Finn wants to get Doc's test results back. Doc can go home today. Finn asks Meredith if she's together with Derek. Meredith says he's married. And she's knitting a sweater. Meredith confirms she's single. Finn would like to go out on a date with her tonight. She repeats everything he says.

Bailey says it's another day without her name on the board. She asks Richard if there's a reason for that. He pats her on the back and says it's a slow day. He walks off and Bailey asks Burke since when she's someone who gets patted on the back. Burke offers her to watch Denny today. She thanks him and walks off as Cristina comes over with coffee for Burke. He's a little bummed because he only did 2 miles this morning, while he did 6 with George. He denies he misses George, though. George comes over with cappuccino. He has great news: Eugene Foote is in the hospital because of problems with his pacemaker. Cristina has no clue who that is. George says he's a brilliant violinist and Burke's hero. Burke offers George to scrub in, but George is on neuro already. Cristina wants in. Burke says sure.

Meredith's asking Alex if she should go out with Finn. Alex doesn't care about her tingling feelings and says as long as he's not a junkie or a psychopath. Meredith won't do him, because she's knitting. Meredith then goes to talk to Cristina about McVet. Cristina is against vets, so no dating them. They overheard Addison teling herself she needs hot sex. She requests an intern. Cristina, Delilah and Meredith walk off. Alex says he doesn't do vagina as a doctor. Addison hands him the chart and says he's just earned himself a case for backtalk.

Bailey enters Denny's room. He really wants off the machines. Delilah asks Bailey if he's a candidate for a portable LVAD. Denny likes the sound of that. Izzie appears in the doorway and says he's not ready for that. Bailey is surprised to see Izzie there since she assigned Izzie to neuro this morning. Izzie wants Meredith to go over the risks of the portable LVAD. There could be a kink in the tube, and then they'd have to rush him into emergency surgery. Bailey throws Izzie out.

Addison walks into Rose Ward's room. Her husband Chris leaves the room with their six children to get ice cream. Addison notices something's up. Rose says she's tired. She needs the seventh baby to be her last. She wants Addison to tie her tubes during the C-section and her husband can't know about it.

Outside the room, Alex says he's happy to be thrown off the case since he has no interest in OB. Addison says she's the best in the field, so until he can top her, he's going to keep quiet and do his job.

Izzie and George are doing research. Izzie asks George where he lives. He says he only has time for doctoring. Callie comes in and greets George. They speak quietly and start giggling. Izzie asks George how all the doctoring is going.

Bailey tells Denny that he's cleared to walk. There's no harm in waiting a few weeks if he has worries. Denny says Izzie gave him medical advice, but Bailey's advice is that which he wants to hear. Meredith says it's safe to listen to Bailey, but Bailey knows that Denny is scared he's hurting Izzie's feelings. Denny says that's wrong, but he can't sell it.

Outside the room, Bailey asks Meredith and Delilah what the deal is between Denny and Izzie. Meredith says Izzie likes Denny, but she can't imagine that she'd act on that. Delilah says that Izzie will act on it. Bailey says she couldn't imagine that she and Cristina would be stupid enough to fall for their attendings and now also Delilah, but it turns out she was wrong about that. Meredith says she's knitting and thinking about dating a vet. Bailey doesn't care.

Meredith ends up on the elevator with Derek. They talk about Doc, who seems to be doing good. Meredith laughs about the bad sex and says that the wives usually don't want the dirty ex-mistresses to know about the bad sex. Derek says they're all friends. Meredith says the vet asked if her and Derek were dating. They wish each other a good day.

Richard enters Denny's room. Bailey tells him everything's looking good.

In the OR, Burke's listening to Eugene's music while performing surgery. He calls it brilliant.

Chris approaches Alex. He's just heard about the complication during his wife's surgery and would like to hear more.

Izzie clarifies to George that she didn't advise him to climb into bed with Meredith. He thinks Izzie wanted to humiliate him by sending him in there. He wonders what kind of friend does that.

Chris says it was shocking. It changed everything.

Denny starts wheezing. He's having runs of V-tach, indicating it's a possible air embolism.

Eugene has a tamponade because of a full ventricular perforation. Cristina replaces Burke's hand to apply pressure.

Izzie yells at George that he wanted to keep on loving Meredith, so he didn't want any other advice. Gwen recognizes some of the fighting from her job.

Bailey, Richard, and Meredith rush to help Denny.

Chris tells Alex that Rose thinks it's God's will and a blessing. Maybe it is. Alex could see why.

The anesthesiologist informs Burke that Eugene has no signs of life. His blood pressure is nonexistent.

Richard thinks the tubing is kinked. Bailey assures him she's got this.

While Izzie and George keep on arguing, Gwen falls to the floor. She finally has a seizure. Izzie goes to page Shepherd.

Alex tells Chris that the complication was God's way of getting his seven kids to college. He advises Chris to get a lawyer.

Denny refuses an oxygen mask.

Burke calls time of death on Eugene.

Meredith tells Denny that everything's looking good. He wants her to thank Bailey again. Delilah wants to talk about Izzie. This isn't coming from a high horse. This thing between him and Izzie, there are strict rules about that. Denny says that Izzie wouldn't listen to him saying this is bad for her career. Denny says he was healthy for his whole life until he wasn't. He's had a lot of time to remember his life. The things he remembers best are the things he wasn't supposed to do. Life is too short to follow rules. Meredith smiles. Delilah was concerned about this relationship,  it will cause some problems in the future. She has a bad feeling.

Bailey would like to know why Richard undermined her authority in front of her patient and interns. Richard says he did no such thing. He's just not convinced that Bailey's back on her game, having just come off her maternity leave. This is not a punishment or a reflection of how high he values her. A nurse informs Richard that Chris wants to talk to him. Richard walks off.

Meredith enters Finn's office. She announces that she's dating him, if he still wants to. He says it's fine that she shows up here without calling. He has an errand to run, though. She says she can accompany him.

Meredith and Finn are at a stable. They're birthing a horse. He didn't mention it before because he didn't want to scare her back to her knitting. She doesn't want to sit back and watch. She wants to help.

Addison tells Richard that Alex's attitude has hit an unacceptable low. Richard tells her she's got a bigger problem than Alex. Chris Ward has been speaking to an attorney regarding his wife's surgery. Richard's read the chart and nurse's notes. He wants to know what kind of complication lead to her severing both fallopian tubes.
Addison passes Alex, who tells her that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. She turns around and tells him that he did such a good job today, that she's gonna have him assigned to her service for as long as she wants.

Izzie sees that Denny got his portable LVAD. He's really happy about it. They hug. She notices now that he's tall. Bailey passes by the room and sees them hugging.

Derek arrives at Finn's office with Doc. He hasn't eaten all day and he's listless. Meredith comes down the stairs wearing one of Finn's shirts. Derek looks at her and confirms that Doc's sick again.

Izzie is happily surprised to see George enter the house. She's disappointed to see that he's followed by Callie. George says Callie's just here for tonight, but he might be returning. Izzie welcomes him back home.

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