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“ We rely on superstitions because we're smart enough to know we don't have all the answers. And that life works in mysterious ways. Don't diss the juju, from wherever it comes. ”
— Meredith Grey

Surgical fatalities occurs in threes and sevens, at least that's the rumor on the surgical floor. With four fatalities in the morning alone, superstition rules the roost at Seattle Grace, so Addison jujus Meredith for good luck. Burke has George retrieve a scrub cap Cristina is holding hostage.

Meredith watches how Addison pins her ring to her scrub top before scrubbing in.

Burke's scrub caps weren't in the laundry delivery, about which he's really bummed. He gets gloved and gets ready to operate.

In his OR, Derek says it's a beautiful day to save lives.

Bailey steps to the table and does a silent prayer before asking for the scalpel.

Something goes wrong in all four ORs, and all patients die.

The interns are in their locker room.  Alex quietly asks Izzie if she snuck out last night. She says she couldn't sleep. Delilah was tired, she did not get much sleep and had several nightmares.Bailey comes in and takes all of them to the ER.

Down in the ER, Cristina says it's dead quiet. The other doctors say you're never supposed to say that. Only seconds later, a woman comes in with another woman, who's coughing up blood. George takes the case. Izzie and Alex get paged to Denny's room. A nurse answers a phone and announces there are two incoming.

The first ambulance is for Cristina. The patient is Jesse Fallon, 32, who was injured following a rear-end collision. His head hit the windshield. Cristina takes the man, who's counting on his fingers, inside. Bailey instructs her to page Shepherd. The patient stops them. He's counting the siren whoops. He can't go until he's heard it 33 times. The second ambulance is for Meredith and Delilah. The patient is complaining of chest and leg pain. Nikki says she got hit by lightning. Cristina thinks this is all coincidence.

Nikki says her horoscope warned her not go too far from home. Bailey says she has no signs of wounds from lightning. Nikki thinks the lightning was a sign for her. Nikki says she wasn't struck herself. A tree was struck and a big branch fell on her. Bailey asks she tells them the whole truth. Nikki says her boyfriend loved that tree, so he's gonna freak out.

George informs Richard that Olive Warner is asking for him. According to her, she and Richard have known each other for 20 years. Richard knows her as Ollie. George says she got admitted with upper GI bleeding.

Meredith, Delilah and Cristina get on the elevator with their patients. Meredith talks about Addison's juju. Nikki says you're not obligated to honor someone else's juju. Cristina thought Meredith was being friends. Meredith says she is with Derek. She wonders if she should also be friends with Addison. Nikki says definitely not, while Jesse keeps on repeating juju. Meredith says she'll call Psych for Cristina's patient.

Callie realignes Nikki's broken bones. Nikki says she should have stayed in bed, but she wanted to surprise her boyfriend before he left for school. He had a big exam today. Nikki comments that the plot thickens. Delilah is going to take her to CT, but before she goes, Callie asks if a tree branch really did all this. Nikki says her boyfriend wouldn't hit a woman. Callie says the bruises don't look like it was a branch. Nikki then confesses she was in the tree when the lightning hit. She really wanted to surprise her boyfriend and she had to see if his psycho dog was in the yard. Callie and Meredith claim it doesn't sound weird at all. The thing is, her boyfriend wasn't even home.

Richard enters Ollie's room and asks Gretchen to leave them alone for a minute. She says she hasn't seen him at a meeting in a while and asks how he's been. He says Ellis's daughter is working here while Ellis is in a nursing home. He goes to see her every chance he gets. Ollie can't believe he's having an affair with the woman who drove him to his alcoholic bottom. Richard says it's not an affair. Ollie says it's an emotional affair, and now he's lying to his sponsor about it.

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