make me lose control

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Delilah was awake early, because Noah had to sneak out.
George, Cristina, and Meredith are watching Alex and Izzie be friendly towards each other. Cristina wonders what she's doing. George says, "She's hanging out with Alex...I think they might be friends."George cuts in front of Izzie and asks, "Do you have a thing for Alex?" Izzie denies it and no one believes her. Bailey says, "Are we saving lives or are we having a tea party?" Alex looks smug.

Cristina presents Mr. Gaston to Burke. He is scheduled for a resection non small cell carcinoma. Cristina and Meredith are walking a few paces behind Bailey. Meredith tells Cristina that she should tell Burke about the baby because he should at least have the responsibility of paying. Cristina says, "No...once this prengancy is taken care of Burke won't even be a blip on my radar. He'll be smudge." Meredith says, "Right". Cristina says, "Leave the sarcasm up to me. Really. It doesn't suit you."
Alex presents 23 year old Kelly Roche to Bailey and the rest of the interns. She is there for treatment on ereuthrophobia hyperpyrexia - excessive blushing.
Bailey tells them there's a surgical case coming from the pit. It could be diverticulitis. They hurry after her.

Meredith falls behind the others as they rush to the elevators. A woman is on a gurney yelling and calling them all amateurs. She is asking for the chief. Cristina looks at the chart says, "Patient's name..." and then trails off. Meredith looks taken aback. It is Ellis, her mother. Cristina mentions that she suffers from alzheimer's. Bailey asks for her name. Cristina is very reluctant to say it. They push her in Meredith's direction. Ellis yells, "What the hell are you doing here? ... How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm at work!" Meredith walks away. Cristina tells Bailey that it's Ellis Grey.

All the interns are worried about Meredith and are trying to talk to her from the hallway. Meredith is in the locker room. Bailey tells them all to stop talking. She tells Alex to take care of Kelly and not use her blushing as a toy to play with. Alex leaves.  Bailey sends Izzie to go to Derek and Addison who need help with a case. Bailey tells Cristina to go with Burke for the thorcotomy with Mr. Geston. Bailey tells Delilah and George to take care of Dr. Grey. Bailey comes in and goes to Meredith. She asks if Meredith will be able to work. Meredith enthusiastically says "Yes" and that she's fine, that it would be better if she was working. Bailey assigns her to "scut".
Richard takes the hat off. Meredith comes in and welcomes him back. She tells him that Ellis was admitted to the hospital. Richard looks at her chart. Meredith sighs and apologizes to Richard for not telling him Ellis' condition sooner. She tells him that Ellis has been reliving her residency. Meredith thinks Ellis would appreciate it if he went to visit her. He says he will.

Ellis is giving George a hard time examining her. She calls him "Thatch". George is confused. They both fight over her chart. Ellis wins. He tries to continue the examination. Meredith sees this from the hallway.  Delilah shoved George out," Dr Ellis, I am Dr Thompson, there is a new policy at the hospital where surgeons need an extensive examinations and tests. So lets get started and get you faster to the OR." Delilah starts the examination and did some sonar scans and drew some blood. George asks who Thatch is. Meredith tells him it's her dad, Thatcher. She asks if she's talking about him because she never talks about him. George leaves to give the Grey's space. She peaks into the room one more time and hear her mother say," You look like my daughter. My little Delilah." Both Delilah and Meredith were so confused.

Standing outside her mother's room, Meredith sees Derek putting a chart back. She goes to him. He says he heard about her mother. She says, "Dr. Shepherd, I want in on a surgical case. I can't just do nothing all day. And you owe me this. And I never ask you for anything like this so..." Derek looks sympathetic and says she can scrub in on Kelly's ETS.

Cristina has just scrubbed in and comes into the O.R. late. Burke is upset and she apologizes. He is operating on Mr. Geston. Cristina is a few paces behind Burke observing with another group of doctors. She rubs her shoulders, she looks like she is in pain.

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