name of the game

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At Joe's, everyone's watching a basketball game but Meredith, who's knitting a sweater at the bar. As her friend, Derek tells her that she's looking weird. Joe says she's scaring the customers. She announces she's celibate. Drinking doesn't go well with celibacy, and the knitting is good for surgical dexterity. Addison comes over, surprised to hear about Meredith's "no more men" talk. Meredith lists her more recent mistakes in the dating area to prove her point. So, she's knitting a sweater instead. Delilah and Noah were playing darts together and Derek was shocked seeing his friends being in a relationship. Meredith said that they have been dating for a few months.

While knitting as well, Izzie's talking to Denny about how George is broken. First he chops off his hair and now he's hanging out with this Callie person. Denny's beating Izzie at Scrabble because she's not paying attention.

Derek meets with Addison at the hospital. He had to push back his surgery because Doc is sick. He dropped him off at the vet and they're going to observe him overnight, and Meredith's picking him up.
Cristina is attending a seminar about laparoscopic general surgery when Richard walks in and sits down behind Cristina. He's taking the class as well to refresh things. Cristina immediately volunteers for a first try.

George and Delilah presents the case of Molly, a pregnant woman whose baby was diagnosed with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Addison introduces herself to Molly and her mother, who puts pressure on Addison to save her grandchild. Susan admits she can be a mother lion. Addison says she's the best, so she can fix it with a fetal surgery. She has a strong record for the surgery.

As they leave the room, Addison asks George and Delilah for the MRI results as soon as possible. George notices a man outside the room who's looking a little lost. It's Thatcher, Meredith's father. He asks if Meredith Grey is working today. George says yes. He can have someone page her if he'd like, but Thatcher declines. George asks his name. Thatcher says he's Thatcher Grey, but he really doesn't want Meredith paged because it's complicated. Susan, Thatcher's wife, calls him into the room. Susan tells him she roared a little. They go inside the room to check on their daughter. Delilah was shocked seeing he'd biological father.

Bailey's staring at the board as Derek comes over. Bailey's name is not on the board. She had a baby and now she's being punished for it. She's being mommy tracked. She needs to get on a surgery now, so she's Derek's intern for the day.

Richard and Cristina are both practicing in the seminar. Cristina does it better, which frustrates Richard. Cristina is happy to finish first and announces that she's done.

Izzie finds George. She offers to cut George's hair, or hang out and talk about stuff. She brings up Callie. Izzie says she'll like Callie if George really likes her. George says he really wants to escape "her", but he can't seem to do it. Izzie thinks he's talking about Callie, which is good because she finds Callie a total freak. George was talking about Meredith. George tells Izzie that Meredith has a sister so that it can become her problem instead of his.

Because of the size of his tumor, Bailey is surprised to find out that Derek's patient is a kid. They're going to perform awake brain surgery on Andrew. Derek asks Andrew to count for him, which he does.

Addison passes by George, who still doesn't have Molly's MRI results. She gets mad and demands that he gives the case his full attention. She asks for one good reason not to throw him off the case. George says Molly is Meredith's half-sister, but Meredith doesn't know Molly exists. Delilah appeared with the MRI results. She worked on the case when she could not find George. Apparently God hates George, because he's on this case while trying to avoid Meredith.

Over lunch, Izzie asks what Meredith's father and sister are like. George says they're nice. Izzie wonders if Meredith's going to freak out. George says it's not his responsibility to care. Richard comes over and sits down with them. He says Cristina's been kicking his ass all day. Of course, speed and precision aren't a surgeon's most important skills. The basics are the key. Richard notices it's weird for him to be sitting with interns and leaves with his coffee. Cristina takes the moment to gloat as Meredith sits down. George leaves. Meredith says she can accept rejection now because she has her knitting. Meredith says she thinks she saw her father earlier. Cristina bluntly asks if she met her sister, too.

Richard and Cristina are ready for the final assignment of the seminar, which will test all the skills they learned today.

While Addison and Delilah tells Molly that she can recover at home, Meredith is pacing outside the room. Addison notices Meredith and introduces Molly to Meredith, who's going to prep Molly. Meredith takes her blood pressure and notices her wedding ring. Delilah was also in the room. Molly says it came from her mother's grandmother. She knows she looks too young to be married. Meredith asks how old she is. Molly replies 22. Eric is 23 and he's in the army. He was gonna get shipped out, so she proposed. Meredith asks if her parents approve. Molly says her father was a little protective at first, but he cried when he gave Molly away at her wedding. She'd never seen that before, but it was also weird for him because she's his little girl. Her older sister is nowhere near marriage. Her name is Lexie. She's in medical school at Harvard. Their dad is crazy proud of her. Molly asks Meredith if her baby will be okay. Meredith says she hopes so and leaves.

Cristina notices that Webber is working with his eyes closed. He finishes first. The teacher says his work is flawless. Richard tells Cristina that is why he's Chief. He keeps singing that as he leaves the room.

Meredith passes Susan in the hallway. Susan says she saw a picture a long time ago and she thinks Meredith looks just like her mother. She also looks a lot like her girls. Meredith says she didn't say anything to Molly. Susan says Molly knows that her father had another daughter. Susan says that Thatcher thinks about Meredith a lot, but Ellis broke him. Meredith says she has to work and walks off.

Addison's operating on Molly. Up in the gallery, Meredith is knitting as Derek walks in. He tells her about his surgery and she tells him about meeting her father and sister. He asks if she's okay. She replies she has her knitting.

Izzie's finished the sweater for Denny. He asks if this means he's not getting any sexual favors. She tells him to smell the sweater. It smells like her. She wore it for three hours. That is the closest he's getting to her body. They set up for another round of Scrabble.

Richard's on his way out. He tells Cristina he hopes her fellow interns will be as on top of the scope as her. She brings up he wasn't even looking. He didn't need the screen to help him navigate the needle holder. Richard says it's muscle memory. He advises her to go back to the basics if she wants to win.

George and Burke are playing chess as Cristina walks into the kitchen naked. She says she's being comfortable in her own apartment. George says he didn't see anything, but a shocked Burke tells him to leave. Cristina smiles as she goes back into her bedroom and tells herself "basics".

Meredith's at the vet.  Meredith says she's just hear to spend time with her dog. The vet comes down the stairs and introduces himself. Finn is happy to finally meet Doc's other owner. They shake hands and there's a spark. Meredith is suddenly really focused on her knitting.

Derek, Noah, Addison and Delilah were having a barbecue. Noah dragged Delilah there, because she owed him for all the times Alex were in their bed. Derek was making a bonfire, to cook the trout on. Delilah dreaded being there, but was being polite. Derek then asked how we started dating. Noah started the story," I just moved here and was in a pub for a celebratory drink. And on stage stood a beautiful lady." Delilah slapped his arm and said," You make me sound like a stripper. I sometimes sing on stage with a guitar. Not as interesting as the stripper story." They all laughed and Noah continued," After she sang, I bought her a drink and we started talking, soon enough we went to her place. She kicked me out that morning, quiet early might I add. We did not exchange information. When I started working here, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and there she stood. I remember her widen eyes, but she was as professional as can be. We worked on a case and then it continued."

Delilah holds his hand and smiled. It was the first time he told his side on their love story. Derek and Addison told some stories of their college and resident days. Derek and Addison was jealous of the couple opposite them. They were in love.

Delilah notices some tension in the air, but ignored it. They ate a delicious trout and salad. When Delilah and Noah were at his place, they burst out laughing, saying that the night was interesting and awkward. Delilah said," I think all the times Alex was in the bed are owed. But you will have to kill me if you want me to join you again on a double date with them."

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