raindrops keep falling on my head

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“ To be a good surgeon you have to think like a surgeon. Emotions are messy. Tuck them neatly away and step into a clean sterile room where the procedure is simple. Cut, suture, and close. But sometimes you’re faced with a cut that won’t heal. A cut that rips its stitches wide open. They say that practice makes perfect. Theory is– the more you think like a surgeon, the more you become one, the better you get at remaining neutral, clinical, cut, suture, close - the harder it becomes to turn it off. To stop thinking like a surgeon, and remember what it means to think like a human being. ”
— Meredith Grey

Meredith is seated at the counter taking tequila shots.
Derek asks Addison what she is doing in Seattle. Addison asks Derek what he is doing there, leaving everything - his house, his practice, his friends, his entire life in Manhattan. She brings up how he has a girlfriend now; that she is sweet, young, and in awe of Derek being a brain surgeon - the anti Addison. Richard asked Addison to come without telling Derek, he is upset about this.

Alex is looking at himself in the mirror and icing his eye. He has a black eye from when George punched him. Izzie checks it out and says, "George really knocked you around."

George and Cristina walk in. Joe says, "All hail the champ!" referring to George giving Alex what was coming to him. The rest of the bar-goers cheer.  Meredith wants to play the 'whose life sucks the most' game. Both Meredith and Cristina keep insisting to each other they would win. Meredith goes first and tells them that Derek is married. George spits out the beer he was drinking and it's also coming out of his nose. He leaves to clean himself off. Meredith thinks she won. Cristina says, "No, you didn't win...I'm pregnant. I win." Joe collapses just behind Cristina and Meredith and Cristina says, "Okay maybe Joe wins." They go to him and try to revive him.

George is taking care of Joe's paperwork. Meredith and Cristina are continuing the pregnancy conversation. Meredith asks her what she's going to do. Cristina pauses and Meredith realizes what she means, an abortion. Cristina says, "You know what happens with pregnant interns. I'm not switching to the vagina squad or spending my life popping zits. I'm too talented. Surgery is my life." Meredith asks who she is sleeping with again. Cristina doesn't want to talk about it, "just a guy". Meredith is sad she won't open up to her more.  Meredith says she's checking on Joe. They wonder if he is going to be all right and if he needs an operation. Derek comes and says he'll need an operation and it's hard to tell if he's going to be okay. Joe has a basilar artery that has blown up like a balloon, subarachnoid bleeding, and an aneurysm the size of a golf ball.
Derek offers a stand-still operation.  Cristina takes the chart from George. Izzie and George wonder what she's doing. Cristina says, "I am on her side but we're talking a possible stand-still here. Recognize."

George comes out of the hospital and catches up to Meredith with an umbrella because it's raining very hard. He asks for her keys and says, "let's go home."
Bailey comes in and assigns Cristina to discharges, sends George to Hospital Room E19, and gives Alex and Izzie charts to redo. Meredith stays and Bailey tells her there was a special request for her and also going to send Delilah with her.

Meredith and Delilah  arrives because she is the intern Addison requested from Burke and Bailey sent Delilah. Burke looks smug, Addison looks slightly evil in a 'fun' way, and Derek looks like he can't take anymore and walks away.

Addison,  Delilah and Meredith are with a pregnant woman, Julie Phillps, whose twins have TTTS (twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome -- the twins are connected by blood vessels in the placenta, one gets too much blood, the other not enough). Addison asks Meredith many questions getting stumped on one. Addison is one of the few surgeons in the world that knows how to separate fetal blood vessels therefore is able to help Julie and the babies.

Meredith tells Addison she could have answered the question given the chance. Addison replies, "I'm this tough on everyone not just the women my husband sleeps with" and gives her instructions. Inside the hospital room, Julie overhears and looks very uncomfortable and disturbed. Delilah followed Addison and said,"Doctor Montgomery, if you keep on talking like that to an intern, I will report you for unprofessional conduct. Your actions will come inbetween your care for the patient." Addison was taken aback from her and told her, "Well, you are now off the case. Maybe next time talk to me like I am your boss." Delilah sassily  replied," No, you should start to act like a professional surgeon, teaching interns not using them for a personal vendetta!" She walked away before Addison could reply.

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