1 : Wedding Day

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Third person's POV
It has been very chilly day as the winters are on the peak..The venue was decorated in the best way possible..very high society people are sitting there..media is waiting for grooms amd bride to come so that they can share it all around the world

At Namjoon's side

Mrs. Kim : Joonie you look so good baby

Mr. Kim : (cold tone) Well my son is above everyone..let's go everyone is waiting for you!

Namjoon : (plain voice) Thank u mom and dad..yeah let's go dad!

At Taehyung's side

Tae : (happily showing his attire and look to his parents) Mom and dad I'm ready look!

Mrs. Kim : (kissing her son lovingly and said with teary eyes) Aigo my baby is soooooo handsome..he became so big that he is getting married now!

Mr. Kim : (hugging his son lovingly) I know jagiya he is so handsome..our baby became big enough to get married!

Taehyung : (hugging his parents happily) Thank you so much guys!

Mrs. Kim : Let's get going now.. everyone is waiting outside! Your siblings are also outside

With that all the members went out to the venue

At Jungkook's side

Mrs. Jeon : Kookie baby you look so beautiful..always be respectful and obedient to your husbands and their families..do whatever your husbands say..always be happy my son!

Jungkook : (teary eyes) Thank you mom..I'll do everything don't worry

Mr. Jeon : Yeah son be respectful we are so small in front of them so please don't do anything bad and take care of yourself! You look very good today!

Jungkook : Don't worry dad I'll be good and take care of everything and thank you for the compliment

Mr. Jeon : Let's go to the venue everyone is waiting and Liya is also outside only

With that they also went to the venue

Time skip

Everyone reached near the stage..media being everywhere capturing this marvellous event of all times..everyone was at awe..all the family members were congratulating each other happily

Time skip

After the Wedding Ceremony and photo clicking session

Third Person's POV

Mrs. Kim (Aera) : (stern voice) Thank you everyone..Taehyung and Jungkook both of you come here

Both of them went near her..she quickly ordered the servants who came with two heavy diamond jewelleries

Mrs Kim (Aera) : Taehyung and Jungkook these are our family jwellery from our ancestors and now I'm giving it to you guys..take the best care of these

(handling the jewelleries to them)

Mr. Kim (Sangwan) : Well we'll get going now!

Taehyung and Jungkook bid goodbyes to their parents

Time skip

Now Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting inside the Lambo..no one spoke anything

Soon they reached Kim Mansion

Jungkook was at awe as he never saw something like this whereas Taehyung was not that surprised since he is also very rich but still mesmerized by the mansion's beauty because his place was also not this big and beautiful.

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