A peach model the size of a fingernail dropped onto Baekya's palm.


"Must have been for tonight's dinner meal. I just saved you from the dinner table."

Baekya, who was looking down at his palm, quietly raised his head.

"What is it?"

Yuyeon, sensing danger with animal-like instinct as their eyes met, swallowed dryly. He had only seen Yulmu get hit every time, never been the target himself.

"D-did I call it dinner meal? Then... food?"

"Wanna die?"

Baekya, clutching the peach model tightly, raised his fist.

"Hold on!"

"Yeah. Speak."

"Are you going to hit me?"

- Ahh, so cute!!! I love their chemistry the most. ㅋㅋㅋ

- Do the two always play like this? ㅋㅋ

- "Are you going to hit me?" Yuyeon is totally like Porori.

- What's with the dinner joke? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Baekya's reactions are so funny, I think the other kids tease him more because of it. ㅋㅋㅋ Ah, I want to cry.

Sensing Baekya's bad mood, Yuyeon quickly pulled out a squirrel doll he'd hidden in his pocket.

"Sorry. I was just going to give it to you, but he told me to hide it."

"Me? What do you mean?"

Realizing he couldn't handle it alone, Yuyeon quickly dragged Chung into the conversation.

"Are you an accomplice too?"

"What does 'accomplice' mean?"

"...Are you on the same side?"

"Team~ Of course! DASE is always one team!"

One ridiculous answer after another. Let's just forget it.

With the energy draining response, Baekya lost his combative spirit and turned away, waving his hand in dismission.

Yuyeon and Chung secretly sighed in relief as Baekya backed down.

"Hey, you're quite an actor, huh?"

"If I act dumb, that hyung goes easy on me. But why did you mention my name? You petty human being."

"Pe- pettyyy? Wow. You could have just called me cheap."

"Okay. Despicable Yuyeon."

This time, the two of them were bickering. Fortunately, their voices were too muffled to be picked up by the microphone, but they were still being captured on screen. Minsung, sensing something off, quickly intervened and separated the two.

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