Chapter 94: Voids Cloak

Start from the beginning

"Hmph, well, it looks like I'm going to need to have a talk with those two little children; how could they send my little Elif to one of those accursed realms!? Ahh, you've also brought little Miss Illumia as well." Declared Celeste with an angry huff before noticing Illumia's presence.

"Queen Celeste." Responded Illumia with a bow.

"So, Elif, what's your reason for visiting the Royal Treasury this time?" Asked Celeste as she opened the door in the back of her room that led to a long corridor before walking down said corridor, doing all this with Elif still in her arms.

"Ahh, well, there was something that I was curious about in the Noble Eve estate, and I wanted Illumia to sneak in and acquire some information. However, if she wishes to remain undetected, she'll need the assistance of an artifact as the Eve manor apparently has some pretty powerful elders." Said Elif, finishing his explanation just when they arrived before the large vault.

"You must be talking about the three elders of the Eve family; yes, they are quite a bit stronger than Miss Illumia; she would be quickly caught if she tried sneaking in. If she wishes to get past them undetected, she will need to use a God-tier artifact and quite a powerful one at that." Mentioned Celeste as she finally set down Elif and summoned the golden crystal from her dimension ring.

"I presume you have the key, Elif?"

"Yes, I do, Great-grandmother; I wouldn't have come here without it." Replied Elif as he also summoned the silver crystal before walking to the left side of the vault while Celeste walked to the right side.

Copying Father's actions from my memories, I put the silver crystal inside the small hole, and when I did so, it let off a bright light while the vault's handle spun counterclockwise before the door opened.

Curious about the door's weight, I grabbed the handle and attempted to open it, which I surprisingly did after struggling for nearly an entire minute.

'My goodness, that was difficult.' Thought Elif, having just used about all of his strength to open the vault door.

"Very Impressive, Elif; one would usually need the cultivation base of a peak Divine King before they could even budge the vault door, let alone open it." Said Celeste with a smile as she once again carried Elif, much to his annoyance, though he's gotten used to her antics.

With the vault door open, Great-grandmother stepped inside the vault before heading towards the door with a sign displaying the word 'Artifacts' above it. Walking through the door, I am met with large shelves filled with what I presume to be artifacts, all of various sizes, colors, and shapes.

"This room greatly resembles the weapon room; do all of the rooms resemble one another?" Commented Elif while scanning the room with his divine sense.

"Yes, pretty much. The only one with major differences would be the room where we store formations. Now then, let us narrow down the number of artifacts we must search through." Answered Celeste as she snapped her fingers, causing all the shelves to disappear into the ground while numerous pedestals with various artifacts emerged from the ground, every single one of them radiating far more Qi than Elif's ever sensed before.

'I guess this will give me a rough estimate of how powerful Illumia is.' Thought Elif while finding it hard to wrap his mind around the amount of power he could sense radiating off each artifact, even though he was only sensing the smallest amount of energy they could exhibit.

With Great-grandmother finally setting me down, the three of us walked towards the artifacts while Illumia and I closely observed each artifact, both of us trying to comprehend their abilities; however, while Illumia gained some insight into some of their abilities, I was utterly clueless.

"Alright, here we are. The Voids Cloak. One of the most powerful high God-tier artifacts in our arsenal, and its abilities are perfect for what you have in mind, Elif." Announced Celeste as she stopped before a pedestal that contained a cloak with vibrant colors, though the only ones who could see it were Celeste and Illumia.

"Umm, I don't see anything, Great-grandmother?" Said Elif after having thoroughly scanned the pedestal with his divine sense, only for him to find nothing but air.

"Of course, you can't sense it, Elif; if you could, I'd be greatly disappointed in the Voids Cloak ability." Said Celeste with a chuckle before grabbing the cloak and injecting her Qi in it, causing it to glow brightly and become visible to Elif.

"It is quite beautiful, but I suppose that wasn't what I had in mind when you mentioned Voids Cloak." Remarked Elif while closely inspecting it before Celeste handed it over to Illumia.

"Here, try it on, little lady; I'm sure you would like to know how to properly use this before sneaking into an Arch-Dukes estate." Stated Celeste as Illumia took Voids Cloak and wore it before injecting her own Qi into it and disappearing from view.

"I suppose it's working, Great-grandmother?" Asked Elif, since with Illumia's cultivation base, it would be pretty easy for her to hide from Elif's senses even without an artifact.

"Hehe, it indeed is. How about taking a look at its abilities for yourself." Said Celeste, suppressing a laugh while looking at Elif as she summoned a small mirror for him to use.

Finding Great-grandmother's laughter to be quite concerning, I took the small mirror and looked at it; when I did, I was shocked to find that my cheeks looked like they were getting poked, yet I obviously didn't see nor sense any finger. Still, it didn't take a genius to figure out who was responsible for this.

"Care to stop it, Illumia?" Asked Elif dryly as his eye twitched in annoyance.

"My apologies, your highness." Said Illumia after reappearing, standing in her previous spot, though the smirk on her face said otherwise.

"Its concealing abilities don't amount to much when testing it on me, though I'm assuming Illumia won't get detected as long as she wears this?" Asked Elif while doing his best to ignore Illumia.

"You don't need to worry about Miss Illumia getting caught; even Maria and Marcus wouldn't be able to detect her, and they both have a cultivation base of a True God Emperor." Announced Celeste while reassuring Elif, though her words did mildly surprise him.

"Not even Mother and Father would be able to detect Illumia? That is impressive, but you could still sense Illumia, correct, Great-grandmother?" Asked Elif, who was quite interested in learning about her cultivation base.

"Yes, I could still see her as I'm a fourth-degree Tribulation Realm. Only an Immortal-tier artifact could hide from my senses." Said Celeste with some Pride.


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