Chapter 1 Season 3

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Two Years Later.

You're sat in a carriage next to a man who is in red uniform that is controlling the carriage. Your hair was done up nicely, half up and half down with curls in. A beautiful long purple dress with a purple, flowery vail covering your face that had light make-up on it. You carry a bouquet of flowers, white and purple.

The carriage parks in front of a church and the man in smart uniform offers you his hand and helps you out the carriage. Once done, he passes you on to another man with grey hair and same uniform who leads you into the church building and walks you down the isle. Thomas doesn't take his eyes off you as he lets a small smile take over his face. Finally you reach him and stand in front of him. Him towering over you as you look more at his neck then his eyes. The choir singing at your entrance.

The choir stops once everyone has taken their seats. Arthur being Thomas's best man. Thomas smiles as he lifts up your vail revealing your face. He smiles widely as do you. You both turn to the priest also known as Jeremiah.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join together in holy matrimony, Thomas Michael Shelby and Y/n M/n L/n. Do you Thomas Michael Shelby, take Y/n M/n L/n to be your lawful wedded wife?" Jeremiah starts the ceremony

"I do." Thomas accepts

"Do you, Y/n M/n L/n, solemnly swear to love, honour, and obey till death do you part?" Jeremiah turns to you

"I do." You accept

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." He announces as Thomas turns to you wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you towards him. You both smile, connecting your lips as the crowd watching cheers. Pulling away shortly. You both just stare at each other chuckling. You turn to everyone, hand in his. As Thomas cheers with his brother John.

You're all outside of the church waiting for a picture to be taken. Girls fighting over the bouquet you threw. Arthur having to break it up and push them to the side. Thomas holds his arm out as you wrap your hands around it. Arthur gets back into his position as Thomas passes you a cigarette as he already has one in his mouth. You roll your eyes and hold the cigarette between your fingers

"Go on, take the photograph!" Arthur yells. Your eyes clock onto a man giving something a woman. You try to continue to look at what's going on but Thomas has his hands on your shoulders slightly pushing you towards the carriage as you keep turning your head to the man that was doing something you found odd and suspicious.

Thomas slightly lifts you into the carriage as he whispers something to Arthur before getting in it himself. He takes the reins and starts to control the carriage as Arthur yells for everyone to get inside the house. As you make it to the house, on the other side everyone is coming down. Thomas pecks your lips once more before helping you off the carriage. John shaking your shoulder as Arthur pats Thomas's back. You and Thomas walk into the house leading the group. You and Thomas split as you go into the officers of the house by yourself. You sit on the chair smoking a cigarette.

You hear ballroom music and put out the cigarette before leaving the office and swerving through people, a stoke expression playing as everyone congratulated you and patted your back as you ignored them and ran into Pol who squeals and hugs you tightly with a large smile. You gently push her off you as she looks at you still with a large smile.

"Alright, Pol. Tell the Lee girls I've counted all the paintings. And, Pol, some people here are not on the list." You warn walking off as Pol's smile falls. You make your way to the kitchen to see all the boys you called in for arrive.

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