Chapter 6 Season 1

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You and Thomas are walking into the Garrison's with a confident look as you are looking for Arthur and are assuming he's in the pub he now owns. Entering the pub, Thomas takes off his hat and sorts out his hair as he enters the room to see a passed out Arthur laying on the desk, counting up the money.

"Arthur? Arthur, wake up. Get home, get bathed, check your kit, check your weapons." You wake him up pushing his arm making his head slip off and almost hit the desk but he wakes up in time. You and Thomas leave the room as Arthur wobbles to the doorframe.

"Why? What's going on?" He questions

"We're doing it today." Thomas warns as you both leave to go to Charlie's house. Thomas banging on the door as Charlie appears out the window to see who it is.

"Fetch the wagons, Charlie. It's today." You order as you both walk off once again. Thomas and you head over the John's and Thomas and you immediately open the door to see John and Esme having sex. Making both yours and Thomas's eyebrows raise

"John? I told you to keep the doors locked. Could've been anyone. Now get dressed. We're doing it today." Thomas informs throwing clothes onto the bed as they both breathe heavily

"As a matter of fact, he's doing me today." Esme corrects

"Make sure he's done you by nine." You order as Thomas leaves the room first and you're leaving second about to close the door.

"You should learn to knock!" Esme yells

"Not a day for knocking." You mutter closing the door. Thomas goes to Polly and you let them talk alone as you wait outside the door for him.

You, Thomas, Arthur, John and the rest of the peaky blinders went down to the place that looks like China town. Thomas wanting to buy the suits that he had made. You see Mr Zhang and a woman wrapped in a robe.

"For the suits." Thomas informs putting money on the side and about to walk off but stops and turns around after Mr Zhang speaking

"You two wanna hear something funny?" Mr Zhang stops you. Thomas pays another note as Mr Zhang whispers something in his ear. Thomas grabs your wrist and you enter a room to see the inspector putting on his blazer.

"I am unarmed." The inspector informs

"It's curious, inspector. I thought you came here to clean up the city. Not to sleep with its whores. You're no different from any other copper that came before you." Thomas states

"I'm no different from those who would follow and should I choose to leave?" The inspector questions

"You have no reason to stay. You have what you came for." You hum

"Yes, I have what I came for. I have a meeting with Mr Winston Churchill at midday. I've no doubt he intends to congratulate me on finding those stolen guns. And you two still don't know how we found them, do you? Good." The inspector teases

"No, you got lucky." Thomas argues

"Did I?" The inspector questions

"Yeah." Thomas confirms

"One thing I have learnt. Is that you two and I are opposites but also just the same. Like an image in a mirror. We hate people. And they in turn hate us. And fear us. Before the day is over, your hearts will be broken, just the same as mine. Men like us and woman like you, Mr. Shelby and Ms. L/n, will always be alone. And love we get, we will have to pay for." The inspector exclaims

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