Chapter 3 Season 1

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Walking down a street with fire and smoke surrounding it as people worked. Your business partner by your side. Thomas Shelby, a cigarette in his hand as he tokes it while walking, his head down. A cigarette in your own hand, as you keep your head up, blowing smoke from your lips as the cigarette is in between your fingers.

Thomas opens the door to the Garrisons for you and you nod your head as a thank you. Before stepping in, you throw your cigarette outside as it lands in a puddle, you then step onto the pub, Thomas following behind you. You both walk up to the small window as Thomas takes his hat off and knocks of the wood

"Give me a bottle of whiskey and four glasses, please." Thomas requests to Grace as Max smiles at you and you smile back

"Scotch or Irish?" Grace questions

"Irish." He answers as she grabs the bottle and the glasses

"I've decided not to go, to the races. Not unless you give me another two pound ten shilling, toward the dress." Grace informs as Thomas smiles

"I've already given you three." Thomas grumbles

"How much did you pay for the suit you'll be wearing?" Grace questions

"I don't pay for my suits. My suits are on the house or the house burns down." Thomas states

"So you want me to go looking like a flower girl?" Grace questions

"What I want makes no difference. It's not me you're dressing up for." Thomas shrugs as he closes the window and sits down with you and two other men. He pours all drinks as he passes you yours.

"You'll forgive me, Mr. Shelby and Ms. L/n, if I indulge a little." One of the man apologises pouring another drink for himself

"Please." Thomas pushes.

"It takes a lot for a man from Sparkbrook to step inside this pub." The man states

"Anyone with money and good intentions is welcome in the Garrison." Thomas informs as he passes you a lit cigarette and lights his own, you toke on it and blow smoke from lips before sitting up straight

"You said you had business." You chip in

"It's delicate, Ms. L/n. It's a question of who knows what about what. Concerns the factory down the road at the BSA. Now, as you might know, most of the paint shop there is Irish. Big, old place like that, rumours get started." The man informs pouring yet another drink.

"Rumours that there was a robbery." The other man adds on

"Robbery of what?" Thomas questions

"Guns, Mr. Shelby. A serious amount of guns." The man answers

"And what business is that of us?" Thomas questions again taking a sip from his drink as you lean back.

"When it comes to speculation, you can't beat a factory night shift." The man informs

"Some say there was word from the proofing bay...That it was the Peaky Blinders who took them." The blonde man adds as Thomas smiles

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