3. The start of trouble

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2 weeks later

On weekends, the children eagerly come together for group meetings and playtime, their faces filled with anticipation and excitement. During these precious moments, they receive valuable teachings and guidance, empowering them for the journey ahead. With hearts brimming with joy, they embrace the freedom to engage in outdoor sports, relishing in the simple pleasures of running, jumping, and playing together. In these moments, they find solace, camaraderie, and the opportunity to express themselves fully, nurturing their spirits and bringing a sense of belonging to their lives.

On this peculiar Friday, nothing was different. Mr. John, a Chaplain who had been working in the foster system would come around to talk to the children and counsel them. Imarni over the years had befriended Mr. John. She felt like she could talk to him and express herself more openly. He was always there to listen to her and make her feel at ease. 

In the course of their time, Mr. John was able to introduce Christianity to Imarni and she was able to find solitude between those pages of books. However,  even though Imarni was the eldest of the females in the foster system, that didn't mean she was excluded out of some things. 

Throughout her formative years, Imarni harboured a profound fascination with the art of literacy—the ability to read and write. However, her recollections of early childhood were rather scant, save for one stark reality that forever marked her existence: at the tender age of two, she found herself ensconced within the foster system, following the tragic and untimely demise of her parents.

As time went by, her memories started to age and she could barely remember what her parents looked like. 

"But why do bad things happen to good people? I don't count that to be fair at all," Imarni reasoned, her eyebrows knitted together in a display of genuine curiosity. It was a question that had tugged at the corners of her young mind, a perplexing puzzle she yearned to unravel. She sought answers, seeking solace in the presence of Mr. John, whose wisdom she held in high regard.

In response to her query, a knowing chuckle escaped Mr. John's lips, his eyes twinkling with a gentle warmth that mirrored his kind smile. It was a smile that carried the weight of understanding, of experiences lived and lessons learned. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, allowing the air to be pregnant with anticipation before offering his reply.

"I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that question, Imarni. Trust me, I've always wondered the same thing. It's indeed not fair." He answers. 

Imarni's young mind swirled with a mix of emotions as she contemplated Mr. John's thought-provoking response. The weight of his words settled upon her, the bittersweet truth seeping into her consciousness. She licked her dry lips, a nervous gesture that revealed the depth of her contemplation, before finally raising her eyes to meet Mr. John's gaze.

"That's sad," she murmured softly, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. It was a simple statement, but it carried a profound weight, encapsulating the complex emotions that tugged at her heart.

"Yes, my dear, sometimes life's ways can be filled with a tinge of sadness," he replied, his voice infused with empathy. "But remember, within that sadness lies the potential for growth, resilience, and the capacity to find beauty even in the midst of hardships. It is through our struggles that we can discover our true strength and compassion." 

Assuringly, Mr. John rose from his seat, his movements deliberate yet gentle. He walked to the front of the room, his presence commanding attention. Imarni's curious eyes followed his every step, captivated by the wisdom he carried within.

Mr. John's cheerful voice cut through the air of the common area, commanding attention. The children froze, their eyes fixated on the chaplain. His smile beamed with warmth and mischief.

"Listen up, children!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. "Today, we have a special surprise in store. But first, we're welcoming someone new to join our  group."

Excitement crackled in the room as their imaginations soared, eager to embark on a shared adventure with the mystery newcomer.

Imarni's raised eyebrows mirrored her curiosity, a flicker of excitement illuminating her eyes. The arrival of a mysterious newcomer heightened her anticipation. While the circumstances of the orphanage were far from thrilling, the genuine kindness and acceptance she experienced from the people there made it bearable. In their embrace, Imarni found solace, acceptance, and a sense of belonging that she had longed for.

"We're going to be paring ourselves in groups. Both boys and girls." he announced, his eyes scanning the room, taking note of each reaction, and lingering on Imarni for a moment. She felt his gaze, a gentle yet probing intensity that stirred something within her.

 With a sense of purpose, the children surged forward, their youthful enthusiasm driving them to find their partners. The older ones paired off, their laughter and excited whispers filling the space. For those under the age of seven, the caregiver stepped in, guiding and assisting them with care and tenderness.

"Good." Mr. John says and in that mere moment, his eyes flickered with acknowledgment as Madam Lee entered the common room. His attention shifted towards her, and the room fell into a hushed anticipation. She approaches him with purpose, her movements graceful and her expression serious.

Whispering into his ear, her words carried a sense of urgency and importance. Imarni couldn't help but wonder what they were discussing, her curiosity piqued by their secretive conversation. As quickly as she had arrived, Madam Lee departed, leaving the room in a state of intrigue and speculation.

Imarni's gaze lingered on Mr. John, searching for any clue or hint in his demeanour. Something had transpired, a piece of the puzzle hidden from view. The air crackled with unanswered questions, and Imarni's heart fluttered with a mix of curiosity and a touch of apprehension.

Mr. John's throat cleared, drawing the attention of the room. His gaze met the curious eyes of Miss. Smith, a caregiver known for her gentle demeanour. With a sigh that carried a hint of sadness, Mr. John spoke, his voice steady yet tinged with a touch of melancholy.

"Unfortunately, there has been a hold-up that will require my departure," he began, his words hanging in the air like a veil of uncertainty. "Due to the circumstances, we will have to pause today's activity. We will continue the game next weekend," he announced, his words carrying a sense of regret. The anticipation that had filled the air moments ago dissipated, leaving behind a tinge of disappointment.

Imarni's eyes followed Mr. John's movements as his finger slowly inched towards the worn, dirty brown sack bag resting on the floor. With a purposeful bend, he retrieved the brown Holy Bible, a symbol of faith and guidance. The weight of its significance was palpable as he delicately placed it within the confines of the bag, standing upright once more.

The room fell into a reverent silence, a collective understanding that something significant was about to change. Imarni's heart felt heavy, the pause in the game mirroring the pause in her own anticipation for what lay ahead. The brown sack bag now held not just the Bible, but also a sense of uncertainty and a touch of longing.

"Goodbye, kids," Mr. John's voice resonated with a mixture of warmth and farewell. His gaze lingered on Imarni, their eyes connecting for a brief moment, an unspoken understanding passing between them. It was a farewell that held a deeper significance, leaving Imarni with a sense of both gratitude and yearning.

As Mr. John made his way towards the exit, the room seemed to hold its breath. The children watched him go, their hearts heavy with the weight of his departure. Imarni's eyes followed him until he disappeared from view, a mix of emotions swirling within her.




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