Blue, Green And White

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The sun had broken through the red shroud and formed an eye-binding hue. She sat on the broken entryway. Her back leaned to the side, looking at the dazzling light, but it wasn't dazzling enough to calm the gust of storm inside of her. Her one leg fell flat on the ground, whilst the other bent to rest her arm. She turned to look at the man sleeping peacefully. A shadow casted on her face because of the bright light. Crawling towards him, her tattered sleeves and strained dress got more grimy.

The meadow, overgrown around his blue, green and white robe. His face bore the elegant smile, and innocence of his path, contrasting the red stain on his clad, and the dried blood near the ear. He looked like the first flower in spring, and felt like the an apricity. The golden ray fell on his face and upper body; through the shattered window of the train cabin.

Tears fell on his cheeks, but the smile never faded; not even looking at her and asking in his gentle and deep voice, "Why are you crying, my dear hawk? Hmm.". Her vision became blurry, and her whimper echoed on the empty cabin, until the sound dried down.

She exited the cabin and walked over the overgrown willow and wild plants. Reposed to the light, her face stained with dust, with blood, and the hem of her clothes with mud, around her chest and shoulder. Her steps were heavy, as heavy shackles were tied around her ankle. She panted and panted as someone was putting on heavy boulders on her wounded delicate frame

Suddenly stumbling, she heaved out a heavy sigh, and tears made it up to her rim. Her throat was throbbing; dry and stuck.

She heavily stood up and moved forwards, knees bent, both hands spread out as if she was supporting herself on invisible railing. She reached the tall tree, and leaned her back on it as she panted more heavily. After felt the hot blood cool down, she crawled, arms forwards, and dug her chipped nails on the soft soil. Shoved, shoved and shoved, until it was depth enough, width enough, and long enough. She stumbled her way where his body laid, still holding on to the appearance which made her heart ache. She couldn't do anything, anything; helplessness, grief, and devastation overwhelmed her. She started to sob heavily and she leaned over his body. Leaning her forehead into his, staring at those closed lid. Pursing her lips, while tears run down like rain. Her hand rested on his arm, and the other on his cheek. Body was cold like the winter morning; colour was already drained. Her trembling finger wiped the tears away, but it left a stain of mud. She forgot to clean herself. She hurriedly wiped her hands on her dress, and took the sleeves to wipe the mud away.

She folded her knees, as she gently carried his head on her lap, and stared tenderly as a mother's love for her first born child,. She leaned in, kissed his forehead, and moved to the tip of his nose. Caressed her cheek against his, and sunken onto the core of his neck.

She pulled his body by the waist, and carefully laid him on the soil bed. She gently crossed his hand on his stomach, staring at it for a while, before she began to pour the loose soil over him. Slowly the soil shrouded him, and slowly, he disappeared from her sight. She sat there before the sky changed from bright blue to a soft pink, and her silhouette disappeared from the scenery.

Years flew by, she never came, either alive or died only heaven knew.

His grave was bloomed with beautiful bellflowers, and the greenery around him grew to its excellence.

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