chapter 1

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KL Executive Greenbelt (KLX)
hotel located in Makati Central Business District, Manila.

Inside one of the KLX rooms, Kenji Wolford slowly opened his eyes, what came into his view was a beautiful face with delicate features, his skin is delicate and there was a hint of exhaustion on his face, his body was full of kiss and bite marks which shows what happened to them last night.

Seeing the man sleeping naked with a bite and kiss mark on his delicate body besides him who looked exactly like his girlfriend Gillian, Kenji felt shocked and confused at the same time.

This..... This is my girlfriend's older brother?! How could he be here?! What is he doing here?!

His girlfriend's name was Gillian Fernandez while his twin brother's name was Haruki Fernandez. His girlfriend was the younger one while Haruki was the older one.

He pinched himself and felt hurt about it, now he was sure he wasn't in a dream, he really slept with his girlfriend's older brother who should hate him.

'Why did I have sex with my girlfriend's twin brother?! Why?! If he could remember last night the one he was with was still his own girlfriend but what happened now?!' Kenji said to himself looking at the person sleeping beside him and sighed, he doesn't know anymore....

Yesterday he helped his best friends shop to temporarily work for him, the name of his shop was katniss KTV located in 529 Alonzo St, Malate, 1004 Metro Manila with a wage of one thousand five hundred per day then his girlfriend suddenly showed up so they decided to go to eat and accidentally got drunk together then checked in to this hotel to use the free brochure he won from his workplace before.

Now he wasn't sure about it especially seeing the one besides him was not his girlfriend but his girlfriend's older brother who hated him!

Although Haruki and his girlfriend Gillian are twins they're obviously different in genders, Haruki was she-male like female he could also give birth to children but because of him being too drunk he didn't know that his first time was taken by his girlfriend's older brother and Haruki's first was also given to him.

From height to facial features there is almost no difference because the usually short hair Haruki was wearing a wig and dress up as a woman so he didn't see about it.

Kenji remembering it, he gently held Haruki's hair then murmured: "His hair isn't a wig but a real hair and why did he act as Gillian? What are his motives doing it?"

Once again he sighed, he actually slept with his girlfriend's twin brother, what would he do now?! In fact he doesn't know anymore....

After calming down, he began to recall his memories last night as a result this made him see a lot of problems.

His girlfriend has been very busy during this year, he hasn't seen her sweetly smile like he usually does before but last night she kept smiling and very clingy towards him which made him find the feeling when he first fell in love towards her so why did he not notice her abnormality last night?! Also one of them is a woman and the other is a she-male so why didn't he notice such an obvious difference yesterday?! How scumbag he is!

Maybe he was really too drunk last night that made him not notice it but then he angrily said to himself: 'Come on man! Just tell the truth because of lustfulness you did it to your girlfriend's twin brother!'

It was not his girlfriend who accompanied him last night but his girlfriend's twin brother from the start.

Now that he knows it was too late for him to discover because it's already useless.

For him and Haruki, what should have happened and what should not have happened has already happened between them.

How should he face his girlfriend Gillian from now on? He should confess to atone from his sin.

Just when he was full of guilt, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up his mobile phone in the wooden drawer beside the bed and saw that it was his girlfriend Gillian video calling him from the messenger app, Kenji felt nervous and guilty at the same time.

In the end Kenji still answers the video call but turns off the camera, he pretends to be calm even though he is already very nervous.

"Good morning."

"Are you okay now?"

Looking at his girlfriend who just woke up on his phone monitor, Kenji felt guilty.

"I'm fine." Kenji calmly said even if he was very nervous right now.

"Kenji, although we have broken up I still wish you a bright future and leave a good life without me." Gillian suddenly said without any sadness.

Kenji was shocked but still had a calm expression.

Why did she want to break up? Is it because she already knows that something happened to him and to her brother? Wait since when did they break up? From Gillan's tone just now, it seems that she has already mentioned breaking up with him but since when?

Just when he was wondering where the problem was, Haruki who was still asleep before suddenly gave him a letter.

Looking at the handwriting, Kenji immediately recognized that it was written by his girlfriend.

Now he has fully understood because when they were in grade 12, he got together with his girlfriend Gillian because of a love letter that was given by one of his friends.

How laughable? He should be the one ending it but he just chose to stay and fix it even though he was already tired because of the years they spent together especially how her girlfriend changed and became materialistic like other girls.

Since they graduated Gillian changed her personality being influenced by the society now who dreamed of instantly becoming rich by finding a rich man.

"Why don't you speak?"

Gillian's voice brought Kenji back to reality and he calmly said without any hesitation: "Well I also wish you a bright future and a happy life."

"Kenji I'm really sorry, since we graduated I realized that you can't give me the life I want..."

After speaking, Gillian hung up the call.


At this time, Gillian felt complicated, she originally thought that after she proposed to break up, Kenji would definitely beg her to fix their relationship but she expected too much because she waited all night but did not receive any call or text from him.

Isn't that exactly what she wanted to see? After all during their five years in relationships, Kenji treated him very well, she really loved him before so she didn't want to hurt him that's why she chose to end this relationship earlier.

However when things came to an end, hearing Kenji's voice showing such a calm tone about their breakup she felt uncomfortable.

(Author: "Ahem, this is only a  sample of the first chapter of Kenji x Haruki. Everyone did you like it?

For now it only has two chapters because I'm still finishing to write my second book so I hope you all understand my dear friends. 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)

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