Episode 1: A Career Opportunity

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Downtown New York

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Downtown New York

May 6, 2018
6:57 AM

The view opens to a simply-furnished bedroom with nothing but a single bed, nightstand, desk, and dresser in the room. A small lamp and alarm clock sit on the nightstand; the time reads 6:57 AM. A smartphone is sat in front of the alarm clock, connected to a charger. A pair of cheap blinds cover a single window within the room as the faint traces of dawn are leaking through.

A laptop covered in papers sits on the middle of the desk with a basic office chair rested against the desk. A small cup with a few pens, pencils, and highlighters is off to the side. The papers scattered over the laptop and desk are shown to be a multitude of rejected job applications.

A number of video game related posters hang all over the walls. The only other noteworthy object hanging on the walls is a framed college degree of an indeterminate study. The frame itself is slightly uneven.

The view pans over to a figure laying under a sheet on the bed as the alarm clock hits 7:00 AM and begins to buzz in a very annoying tone. A hand reaches from under the sheets and bashes the top of the alarm clock with a fist, shutting the infernal contraption up... for a while, at least.

The person laying in the bed slowly sits up with a grumble and yawn, climbing out of bed. The first thing they do is disconnect the smartphone from the charger and begin tapping away on it as they walk out of the room and into a nearby bathroom. Much like the bedroom, it lacks any major decorations save for a single towel on a coat hook attached to the door. The sound of running water is heard as the figure steps into a cool shower, having set their phone on the sink countertop. The water turns off, and the towel is grabbed roughly 20 minutes later. The view then cuts to a figure looking at a mirror.

A young Caucasian man is seen looking into the mirror. He stands at around 6'0" and has a fit, athletic body, fairly-tanned skin, and semi-rough facial features with messy black hair and dark-green eyes. A faint beard stubble covers his lower face. The man addresses his appearance with a light sigh as he begins his morning routine of brushing his teeth, not bothering to shave. After the routine, he grabbed up his smartphone and walked out to a living room area with a kitchen separated by a small bar counter.

The man opened up the fridge in the dimly lit and sparsely furnished room, spotting... an almost completely empty fridge, minus a couple of cans of soda and a pizza box. He decided to go with the pizza box, pulling it from the fridge and setting it on the counter, taking a slice from it. Cold pepperoni pizza... but it's food. The man continued scrolling through his phone with one hand and eating the pizza slice with the other until the phone began to ring, with the text 'MOM' on the caller ID.

?????: "For fuck-- great..."

He swallowed his bite and answered, bringing the phone to his ear as he mentally prepared himself.

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