Fine, we supposed to go. I said all red in my face to laughing Jin.

I'm really happy to see you like that Jungkook. Jin said and hugged Jungkook

Jungkook smiled and hugged Jin back, while he smiled at me.

And I know they were 9 in the evening and almost 20 for the whole college. I said when we were leaving

He was sitting back in his chair, loking at me with opened mouth. I'm offended because we've only had four rounds a night and now I know what you're capable of, so... I take it personally and I believe it's me not attracting you enough... .

I said and quickly pushed Jin out of his office and we got into the elevator as fast as we could.

I heard his office door open and let out a sigh of relief that I was safely tucked away in the elevator.

Downstairs, all smiles, I climbed out of the elevator, and my laughter turned to shrieks as I was suddenly squeezed against the wall next to the elevator by my panting and slightly sweaty husband

You ran down the stairs?

Yes, my darling parrot, I forgot to tell you something.

And that?

That tomorrow is your doctor's appointment and that I've booked a house for the weekend and that I'm hungry and I wanted to tell you not to forget to pack your painkillers.

then he let go and took two steps, then came back and kissed me.

Yeah, and that I love you so much.

I love you too. I beeped with a smile

He winked at me and got in the elevator to go back to his office.

Well, it's a good thing we bought the underwear. I said and Jin laughed.


Jungkook's POV

I was on my way back in my office with huge smile on my face. I was so happy. So fucking happy

I almost fainted when Jimin spoke about Sumin. I thought that he somehow figured that she is involved in his accident

I sat on my chair and took out a letter from Alice. I need to tell everything to Jimin and give him the  letter. But I was so scared that he will blame me and I know he will be right. If I never started dating Sumin  it wont happened.

I shouldn't be coward and seduced Jimin right when he came as my asisten. I'll never forget the day when I saw him again.

We knew each other when we were children. But then our moms died and I went work in U.S. when I came back. My dad told me that mr.Park died too. I was so sad. I loved him, he was so nice and so funny and he supported my dad so much when my mom died.

I started working here in our company and after some time my dad came and told me that Jimin will be my assisten.

I didn't want to. I was fine with my own work. And then he came and my jaws droped

FUCK! He was so beautiful, and when he smiled at me I swear that my dick get hard under my table

So I was rude and annoyed to him. I thought he would leave. But he was so nice and sweet, and so chirpy God how many times I imagined that I will silent him with my dick, but I wasn't ready to came out so I started dating Sumin. She was nice and so understanding and so quiet and calm. I was glad in her presence. But with time she wanted more and more and I wanted it too, but not with her.

And then I found Jimin hugging Taehyung and I heard them talk about Hojun and suddenly I started fell concerns that maybe he would start to date someone and I will lost him forever.

So I took my whole power, broke up with Sumin and started to luring him.

And when he pay me his feelings back I was so happy..

And now.. he suffer so much because of me. It's all my fault, but I must be strong and brave and tell him the truth.It must be me., before someone else willl do it.


Hi, this is Mrs. Lee from the Seoul Adoption Office. Didn't Mr. Park Jimin adopt a boy, about 10 years old?

Yes? Really? Great!!!

Sumin's normally beautiful face broke out into an ugly grin.

I got you, you bastard. Sumin started laughing and jumping on the spot

Yes, I'm here, I'm here, so. The adoption is null and void and in order to legalize it, I need your help.

Of course, the boy won't be affected.

Yes, I need to scan all the adoption papers

Perfect. Thank you so much for your help.


Sumin dictated her e-mail and then she hunged up the call. She fell on ground and laugh aloud

You're done Park! Finaly you'll out of my way and Jungkookie will be mine! Only mine!

Mr.Jeon? We have a problem. The hoodie guy called to his new boss

I'm listening.

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