Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

Seeing Aenys with his granddaughters, had brought him a sense of guilt and pain deep within his heart.

A pain of seeing how his weak and gentle brother had a family of his own. Three sons and two daughters, and now he was a grandfather... But yet all Maegor had was his mother and Daemion and memories of Ceryse.

Ceryse... His beautiful Ceryse. How her beautiful name still lingered in his mind.

Ceryse left him alone in this world with their son, a son that that Aegon and his plots finally drove away... Leaving Maegor where he had started his life; with his mother.

And his guilt had found its way to him, his guilt of early days that his son was born. When Daemion was born, Maegor could not do anything but to somewhat blame Daemion for Ceryse's death in a dark corner of his heart... But he knew it was not Daemion's doing. Ceryse was not just Maegor's wife. She was Daemion's mother. A mother Daemion never had... And a wife and woman Maegor never knew how much he needed until it was too late.

Ceryse... His wife's name echoed again in his mind. His beautiful Ceryse... His calm and gentle Ceryse. Maegor never admitted to a living soul, but he loved Ceryse in his own ways. How could he not? They rarely saw eye to eye, but yet she was his wife. She was no warrior, but yet her calm deminor was as sharp as a sword, and her gentel nature her shield. He could never forget how he felt as his eyes grew as he saw her for the first time, when he was three and ten and she was three and twenty.

He always had believed that when a child was born to them, Ceryse would take over to parent and raise the child, and all he had to do, was to make sure that the boy would grow up to know the art of war and sword. To teach his son to weild a sword so he make take the head of whomever who would dare to challenge him.

He had thought he would have more children after Daemion. Perhaps a daughter... A daughter who would become Daemion's bride as his own mother became bride to his father. Maegor couldn't care any less for what the Hightowers nor their faith said of marrying one's own sibling. His children would carry his blood and keep it as pure they could...

But all his thoughts, all his plans for the future that never came, had fled his mind when Ceryse died. He was left with a babe who did not even had an hour with his mother. A son he had always wanted, but yet he did not know how to raise.

Maegor did not know of how to raise a boy. He had his mother, Visenya, who was his mother, father, guide and teacher. Maegor had never thought much of it of what his mother felt or went through to raise him all by herself. She was Visenya Targryen, the bearer of Dark Sister, the eldest of the conquerors, she could do anything. A woman who made impossible possible...

... But he was not Visenya, he was Maegor Targaryen. All he had ever known was sword and lance and blood and bones. Not raising a child... So Maegor did what he had thought was best, the only thing he knew better than anyone. He raised a soldier, under the guidance of his old trainer and possibly closest thing he had to a friend, Gawen Corbray.

But as time went on... He no longer could see the boy as a breathing hair who was meant to replace him... Maegor began to see Daemion as what Daemion truly was; his son. His only son. The only reminder that Ceryse had left from herself aside from her old dresses and her favourite brush and her emerald necklace which Maegor still kept to this day even after twenty years...

Daemion mirrored Visenya. That much Maegor always could see on his son's face, but when he looked at Daemion long enough... All he could see was Ceryse's gentle soul behind Daemion's deep violet eyes.

When Daemion was still a child, Maegor despised the fact that Daemion did not resmbeled him more... Though Daemion was skilled warrior, he lacked Maegor's thirst for blood, which troubled Maegor in his youth... But as years passed by, and sand of time began to sit on Maegor's hair and face, he was secretly grateful to see not so much of himself in Daemion...

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