Chapter Thirty-Two

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"You made a man out of me..." Aegon spoke softly as he looked down. "When I dreamt the song of ice and fire, you were the first to believe in me... When I picked Blackfyre and mounted Balerion, you were the first to put your armour on to fight by me...When I was not here to sit on the throne, you sat upon it like a queen you were born to be... You finished the Red Keep all by yourself... And in return for all you did... I pushed you away... Forced you to raise Maegor all by yourself... but when you brought him back to the Keep, I betrothed him to Ceryse Hightower despite knowing you would have not approve... And when I knew you, that all you had wanted was to see your blood live on through Maegor, I hoped that no child would come to him..." Aegon whispered as he kept watching the ground beneath Visenya's feet before falling silent.

For the first time in her life, Visenya remained silent. By the gods she wished to speak words, but none came to her. All she could see, was the little boy that ran to her whenever he was hurt as a child, and she would gently pat his head and kissed his forehead to calm him down.

"She died... and as you said... She left us more broken than ever... A three-headed dragon without our sweet Rhaenys..." Aegon spoke softly as he raised his head softly to look at Visenya's deep violet eyes with his purple eyes. "You said she was your love... Did you ever love me..." Aegon asked Visenya softly as he softly as he looked deep into her deep violet eyes.

"With all of my heart Aegon..." Visenya whispered. "You and Rhaenys... are half of my soul..." How could he ask such a thing? After everything they had been through? Or he asked... because of everything that they had been through...

Aegon looked down as a small tear left his eye. "And the other half?" Aegon asked softly.

"To my Maegor and my Daemion." Visenya responded softly.

Visenya saw as Aegon's face fell even deeper than it already was by the sound of their grandson's name.

"Daemion..." Aegon whispered. "Daemion Targaryen...Son to one of the mighty Maegor... grandson to two conquerors..." Aegon spoke softly as his eyes found the ground beneath Visenya's feet. "When he returned to Red Keep after years... I did not see a boy... I saw a man. As beautiful but yet as deadly as you... But over his short time in the Red Keep... Despite the truth that he wears your face, I did not see you in him... I saw something that I had lost, I saw myself." Aegon spoke softly as his ate his thoughts.

"Everything that I once was... And I despised him for it... Aegon may have been named after me or resembles my face of my youth, but it was Daemion who with every breath reminds me of me... Everything he is... All reminded me of the days when I was a young man. Proud, determined... Unyielding... Everything a man must have been. Maegor was all that... Daemion is all that... You were all that..." Aegon whispered. "Had only Maegor was born first..."

Visenya stayed silent as she looked at Aegon with her pained eyes. "Why are you saying all this Aegon..." Visenya whispered softly.

"I failed you... I failed our son... I failed our grandson... It took me a long time to see... But now, in the twilight of my life... only now that I can see how fast my days are passing by... The older I got, the more I lost my better judgment... The curse of time... I mocked elder men and their inability to accept that they are not what they once were... I will never be young again, nor will I be brave enough to speak what truly destroys me from within..."

Visenya walked to Aegon sat next to him on her bed and gently placed her hand on top of his, slowly rubbing his hand with her thumb. "Tell me Aegon..." Visenya spoke softly as she wrapped her right arm around her brother-husband's brood shoulder.

"I'm afraid..." Aegon whispered. "The Black Dragon... The Wyvren... The She-Dragon... What if it was only a dream? A fragment of my broken self? Of what I wanted to see? What if it was only a dream of a drunken night?" Aegon asked Visenya in pain in a pained voice.

Visenya remained silent for she did not know what to say. Days have went by, and no matter how much they talk of Aegon's dream, they appear to be always far from what was the truth of the dream.

"I am afraid that I will not live long enough to see Daemion return... Or to forgive me for all I did... To see our house, our Family whole. I denied him of everything... Of the love I should have given him as my grandson, of his rightful station by my side..." Aegon whispered. "...Of Rhaena..."

Visenya looked at Aegon. "You knew?" Visenya whispered. "How?"

"His eyes, Visenya..." Aegon whispered as he looked in Visenya's deep violet eyes. "The way his deep violet eyes softened at any sight of her... At that dinner, or when he watched her dance in her wedding... I only had ever seen those eyes in you... when you looked at our Rhaenys as she laughed..." Aegon chuckled as a small tear ran down his face.

Visenya chuckled too, but her heart was too heavy to maintain the laugh as she looked in Aegon's purple eyes.

"Visenya... Do you know where he is?" Aegon asked her softly.

"No." Visenya answered softly. "But I know wherever he is, he is alive. I can feel it in my heart."

Aegon smirked softly. "He is the mighty Black Dragon... Prince of Oldtown... Rider of scarlet-Black Modread. A name for his enemies to not take lightly."

"Who wouldn't be afraid of a small boy who was betrayed by his world, but yet made himself The Black Dragon with strength of his own will?" Visenya asked softly.

"A will that only a few men possess... and so do you." Aegon spoke softly as he looked in Visenya's deep violet eyes. "I've always loved you, my Queen." Aegon spoke softly.

Visenya placed her hand softly on Aegon's face and gently stroked the small scar on his cheek, where years ago she had cut. "Oh Aegon..." Visenya whispered and rested her forehead on his neck.

Aegon as his jaw trembled, pressed his cheek to her head and as tears fell from his eyes he whispered: "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Visenya felt as her hair got wet with his tears... And for the second time in her life, since Rhaenys's ashes her returned to her, she let go of her tears. After some time, they fell asleep next to each other. Visenya's long loose hair covered the bed with her arm over Aegon's chest, and his nose buried in Visenya's hair...

Much like their wedding night.

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