Ch. 6 ✨The Truth About Me✨

Start from the beginning

"Alastor," I say.

"Yes, Alastor," he replies, "he was praised for hosting one of New Orleans most listened to radio station. But underneath those pretty eyes and dashing smile, laid a dark secret..."

The image changes to the man in the swampy forest I saw when I was with the Medium, leaning over someone with a bloody knife in his hand, and the look of pure evil in his eyes and smile...

My insides twist.

"He was a murderer, a...hunter," Alastor chuckles, smiling.
I cringe.
"And he loved the feeling of it. The thrill, the blood on his lips..." he shudders in—I hope this is not the case!—delight.

"He got away with it too. Until the year 1933. A witness to his crime ran to the police, who stormed his house."

The image changes again to him looking through the curtain, pure fear washing over him when he sees whose outside.

"He ran out of his house in panic, running into the forest. But the dogs, oh the dogs...they chased him down, grabbed him by his ankles so that he fell to the ground, where then..."

The image shows human Alastor lying on the ground, being ravaged by dogs, before a policeman pulls out his pistol, cocks it back and...


I flinch back, glancing at Alastor from the corner of my eye to see his expression change entirely.
The cloud before us disappears, and Alastor lowers his head.

"I was shot in the head, only to wake up in Hell, as this," he praises himself, chuckling under his breath softly.
I turn to face him. "But I still don't understand, why are you always in my dreams? What's the point of it?"

He looks at me, his smile widening.
"I ask myself the same question, my dear. For you see, I have no idea as to why our paths continue to cross. My only assumption is that you, are a very special mortal."

"What?" I ask, my heart pounding out of my chest.

"For a long while, I believed this to be a dream as well. But over these years, I've began to see it in a different point of view. Do you know much about astro projection?" he asks, one brow raising as he watches my face shape and change from stunned to confused.

"Uhhh, kind of? No, not really." I shake my head.
He makes a tsk sound in the back of his throat. "Then I suggest you do your studying. For that is the power you have, and that is why our paths continue to cross."

He turns away, and begins to walk off into the darkness, before I call out.


He turns. "Yes?"

I inhale a shuddering breath, feeling my palms sweaty and my heart pounding.
I try to dry the sweat against my clothes, before I ask this final question.

"Are you a demon?" I ask.

He grins. "I am, yes. But if you must know, I am known as The Radio Demon."
"The Radio Demon?" I ask, confused by that really stupid name. "Why is that?"

Suddenly, in a flash, he's in front of me, standing over me as his eyes begin to glow red.
I feel my knees go weak as I fall to the ground in horror.

"Because I would broadcast my carnage throughout Hell," he begins to say, his voice becoming darker and demonic, to the point where I'm shaking in pure fear.

"Because I slaughtered Hell's highest ranked overlords for my mere amusement. Because I, am, Alastor!"

I scream, and pinch myself.


I wake up screaming, my sheets soaked from sweat, and my blankets practically thrown from tossing and turning.

My eyes glance around my apartment, to reassure myself that this DEMON is not here, and I'm alone.

When my sense calm down, I bring my hands to my knees and sob quietly.
Fuck...I'm being haunted by a fucking demon. A monster...

What am I going to do? There must be a way I can protect myself from him.
I reach for my pills, and take two of them.

For now, until I find a solution, these are my only hope.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now