Alpha's bid- Part 15

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Alphas in rut were way different from omegas in heat. At least he suspected there was a difference, since he knew how he himself reacted when it hit him. Multiple questions and scenarios invaded Kinn's mind because he was unsure of this new experience.

For the last few hours, Porsche's demeanor had changed; he was way too quiet for his usual self. He was shivering from time to time, although the room was at a pleasant temperature. They were dressed lightly in t-shirts and shorts. Kinn was holding him in his arms, his lover glued to his side, and his head rested on the alpha's broad chest.

"You ok? Do you need me to bring you anything?" The alpha was holding the omega close, but his own body was reacting to all the pheromones that his lover's body was spreading in the confinement of their bedroom. This was making it harder for him to keep his alpha in check.

"I don't know." His shivering voice and the tears in the corner of his eyes made the alpha's heart tighten in his chest.

"Can you let me help? Isn't it going to be harder for you to suppress it?" Kinn was trying very hard to get Porsche to agree and give him permission; otherwise, he would have to go away from him in another place for the remaining time of the heat, and he despised the thought. How could he let his partner alone in such a crucial moment?

"I don't know what to do, Kinn. I'm scared of my heat."

"I know, honey, but you are not in danger anymore. I would never do anything to harm you. And I would never take advantage of your heat."

"So, no weird things? You don't have any weird fetishes I don't know about, right?" asked the omega, now turning his attention to the man holding him.

"I promise I don't have any of those." That seemed to calm the omega down, and his body relaxed more. The alpha's hand was moving in circles on his partner's back, soothing him through the process.

"Ok, I don't know how I will react further or if I will be conscious through it all, but I trust you. I want us to spend my heat together."

"Thank you, love." Kinn kissed his forehead tenderly. He was excited and afraid. As much as he assured Porsche about this, he was feeling insecure and wondered constantly if he was going to keep his promise and not lose to his alpha. The conflict within him was making him doubt himself. This felt like some sort of test. To his shame, all his experiences in the bedroom seemed insignificant now that he was with an omega for the first time in his life. He felt like it was his very first time having sex all over again. He was unaware and threaded carefully in this uncharted territory.

It was a great relief that the bedroom had its own window overlooking the sea. Kinn decided to draw the blinds. The soothing sound of crashing waves helped to ease the tension in the room, and with the moon shining high in the sky, the room filled with light. The moon's glow filled every corner of the space they were in. "Good," thought the alpha. If Porsche was still shy, he wouldn't feel the need to hide himself. This was good for him as well; he could feel the insecurities rise in his mind.

Then his steps took him back to the bed where the omega was lying, his eyes switching to gold and back. The t-shirt he had on was damp from the sweat of his feverish body. Kinn smelled the wetness of his omega, his nostrils inhaling deeply all the fragrances that filled the room. Porsche looked delectable, his wet hair sticking to his face.

Kinn sat beside his partner on the bed and watched him hungrily, brushing the damp hair aside with his fingers as he pulled it away. Kinn was a magnificent alpha, no question. His black t-shirt embraced his milky white figure, showcasing his well-defined muscles, and his powerful, long legs kept him always steady on the ground. His pheromones, mixed with the omega ones, filled the bedroom. Enthralling the other man with his intense gaze caused Porsche to close his eyes and open his thighs as if he wanted to take that scent inside of him through every pore.

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