Alpha's bid- Part 2

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The lecture at the university drained him completely today. Teaching music and human sciences was not a simple task, but Kinn liked it. He was very knowledgeable about the omega field. He concealed the knowledge because he was way more knowledgeable about omegas than what they taught in the school for alphas. Lucky for our alpha, the university's library was open to students and teachers and he devoured all he could find in the omega department. By now, he knew all there was to know about omegas except how to interact with one. The omega he had met were already partners of other alphas and his interaction with them was minimal.

It has been two weeks since he entered the program waiting for his omega, but he hadn't heard back from the agency. He was beginning to think this was all a scam, but other than the agency fees he had paid, his money was intact in his accounts. That meant that they hadn't found a suitable match and that irritated him. He specified what he would like his omega to be, but after giving it some consideration, he called the agency back and let them know that he preferred to keep his option open.

"We're sorry, mister Theerapanyakul, there is no one at the moment matching your requirements. I recommend you leave an open option at the time. We will make sure to select accurately the omega if you get chosen by one of them and ensure that he is healthy with no medical history and, as you mentioned, "with a pleasant appearance." The woman at the end of the line explained to him in detail that this is the best approach at the moment since more wealthy alphas were chosen by the omegas that would have fitted his description. He came to terms with his lower income and concluded that omegas only wanted money rather than a partner.

"Hmmm, okay. I trust you will handle this to everyone's advantage." The last part sounded more like a threat than a request, but it did not impress the lady with his alpha attitude. She had dealt with worse alphas.

"Sure, we will let you know once we have something solid. Have a great day." The line went dead after that and Kinn exhaled heavily into the air he kept inside. He was getting impatient and now this. So much for a pretty omega. Maybe he was destined to be alone forever. So he hung up and started grading the essays from his students until it was time for him to return home. His phone rang again, but this time it was his brother. Kim wanted to meet with him, which was not out of the ordinary. His brother took the family business when Kinn retreated from the business world, but still he kept in touch.

"Hey bro, are you up for tonight's party? I hope you didn't forget like last time. Dress nicely we have big names coming"

"Kim.....I....I will be there. Send me the location and the hour."

"You forgot, again. What is happening to you these last weeks is like you are in another dimension."

"I just have a lot on my mind, that's all." Kinn apologetically replied. He was in another plane of existence entirely. He was stressed and impatient. He pretty much hated these social parties, where he had to pretend and smile politely, even if he didn't feel like it.

"Ok, whatever, just be there. I need your support. People still ask about you, and it's good to have you here when all these sharks swim around me. "

"You worry too much. You are a brilliant businessman." Kinn responded fondly with warmth in his voice. He loved his brother, and he wished for him to be more confident about himself and his way of managing his business. He had a native talent for it.

He got home and dressed in a 3 piece suit with his signature unbuttoned shirt and pulled from dust his cocky attitude specially used for these types of events. Although he was out of the business, he still indulged his family and came for formal visits, dinners, and business parties. During the party, all the female alphas were eyeing him, but they already knew that he prefers the other gender. That didn't mean they didn't try to get his attention. Male alphas had tried to hit on him, but they were sent on their way shortly as Kinn politely declined everyone that had the hots for him.

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