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Hi! My name is Sun, I am posting these from my tiktok @hyperfixiationstation, i also post them on Tumblr @hyperfixiation-station

Important Bits:

1.) I am chronically ill, so sometime a fic will not get updated for a while if I am having a flare up or a lot of doctors appointments or something like that. But I promise I am not abandoning fics or ignoring your requests, I just need time :))

2.) I love feedback, good or bad, as long as it is presented in a kind way. I want to be a better writer, and do that I need criticism!

3.) I love when you guys request things, whether that be just asking for another part to a fic, or asking for a totally different one! Interactions with yall are like my lifeblood. /hj


Requests are open!!! I will write pretty much anything from one-shots to long-fics, hurt/no comfort, fluff and anything in between!

I do have a couple of restrictions/things you should know, so I will go over those below :))


#1.) I will not write smut or age-gap fics, simply because I have O experience with the former and both subject make me uncomfy. On that notes, I will also not write ED fics, because I do not have the experience to portray those accurately. But everything else is fair game.

#2.) I will write fics for other fandoms, including Marvel, DC, Supernatural, etc. I have my fingers in a lot of different pies so to speak, so feel free to request for pretty much any fandom :))

#3.) I will stick to either Fem! or GN!readers, simply because I am not male and don't think I could portray that correctly, sorry :(

4.) Don't be afraid or think your request is weird. I guarantee you I have thought of it at least once XD

And yeah! I think that's it for now, might be updated later, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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