Bailey ,Delilah and Meredith are looking at Nikki's scans. It looks like she has a grade three splenic lac. Meredith tells Bailey Nikki was up in the tree. It seems like she's a gentle stalker. Meredith asks if Bailey believes in that seven fatalities thing. All Bailey cares about is removing that spleen as soon as possible.

Bailey, Delilah and Meredith inform Nikki about her spleen, but Nikki refuses to have surgery today. Bailey says spleen trumps horoscope, but Nikki has seen all those signs today that she ignored. She's convinced she'll die if they operate. Nikki asks them to call her boyfriend and tell him she's having an operation at midnight, because he'll want to be there. Meredith says she'll do that. As they leave the room, Bailey tells Meredith to get Nikki to the ICU.

Alex tells Denny that Izzie likes him, so it's gonna be hard on her when Denny dies. Alex says Denny could die of hypoxia due to the clot, or his heart will kill him. The surgery is not a routine procedure, and there's a serious risk of bleeding. Alex wants Denny to know that Izzie won't be the one to pull away.

Ollie's room is filled with people from AA. One of them comes out and invites Richard in. Ollie told her that Richard needs a meeting. He says not now, not here. Ollie knew he'd say that. He can't protect his anonimity over his sobriety. Richard enters the room and closes the door. They all hold hands and say the serenity prayer.

George is looking for Burke. Izzie tells him he's on the phone with laundry because they still haven't found his scrub caps. George says he can only get Burke's cap from Cristina if he hits her, but he's not yet willing to cross that line. Izzie leaves.

Izzie catches up with Cristina. She basically orders Cristina to give Burke his cap before he's going to operate on Denny, or she can physically take it from her. Izzie mentions she grew up in a trailer park, so she's not above kicking Cristina's pampered Beverly Hills ass.

Izzie follows Cristina as she approaches Burke with the scrub cap. She gives him the cap. He says the cap is one of his favorites. Cristina's kept it to remind herself what she's here for and what she wants to be. She wants to be a decisive surgeon, who doesn't need a piece of clothing to give him an edge in the OR. Burke says she's right. She knew she was. He walks off and smilingly puts the cap on his head. He passes George and tells him to scrub in.

Meredith's checking on Nikki. Meredith suggests that two surgeons telling her she needs surgery is a sign that she actually needs surgery. Nikki asks her if she called her boyfriend. Meredith did that, and he told her he hasn't been Nikki's boyfriend in a while. Nikki asks if she told him she got struck by lightning.

Izzie finds Alex in the scrub room and asks him why Denny thinks he's dying. Alex says because there's a good chance that he is. Izzie tells Alex they're over. He can't believe she's breaking up with him over a corpse. Izzie says she's breaking up with him because that corpse is twice the man that Alex will ever be.

Burke, wearing his scrub cap, cracks his neck before stepping up to the table.

Bailey does her little prayer before she and Richard start operating. Delilah comes in and informs her that something's wrong with Nikki. Richard says she can go.

Bailey, Delilah and Meredith arrive in Nikki's room. Nikki's bleeding out so they have to get her to the OR right now. Nikki keeps resisting. Delilah tells Nikki that her boyfriend called to tell them that he didn't want her to die. She's delighted, but she passes out before she can give her consent for the surgery. Bailey calls code blue and shocks Nikki with the paddles.

Izzie's leaning against a wall and crying. Denny is happy to hear he wasn't one of the seven. Izzie wipes her tears and tells him there were only six fatalities. He asks why she's crying. She says she can't fall for a patient. He tells her good luck with that. She leans in and kisses him.

Delilah was passed out as soon as she saw her bed. Noah came over to spend the night. He saw she was fast asleep. He laid next to her and read a book and eventually fell asleep. Later through the night he felt the bed sink and he saw Alex in the bed. He just turned around and sleep further. He knows not the bother them. Alex poked Delilah in her stomach to wake her, she kicked back. She realized she needs to wake up. She looks over at the time and it was midnight and turned on her lamp on her night table. She looks over at Alex and gave him a look to explain. Alex started telling her," Izzie picked Denny over me and I thought it went well. She said that Denny was twice the man I am and I am not good enough for anyone. "
Delilah could see the word hurt him deeply. She gave him a quick hug and said," She does not know you, one day you will find your person that loves and accepts you. Someone that will accept our weird relationship. Like Noah over there covering his ears. Pretending to be asleep."
They looked over at Noah and saw him giving us the thumbs up. They looked at each other and burst our laughing. They talked for a bit and then Alex slept on the couch in the attic and  Delilah cuddled with Noah and fell asleep.

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