28 (Harry)

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It was nice having Ava sit at the bar, so I could steal looks at her. It also meant I could keep an eye on every creep that came up to her and said something inappropriate. Luckily both she and Cat were very good at telling bullshitters off, but I had this overwhelming need to protect her all the time. Some macho-looking guys came up to the bar and sat next to the girls. One next to Cat, and one next to Ava. They were really eyeing the girls, and offered them drinks. They looked familiar for some reason. Niall noticed too and we shared a look, trying to determine if the other part was ready to step in as well. Niall nodded at me, and I knew that we had each other's backs. 

"Where have we seen them?" I asked Niall as we were pouring pints next to each other. 

"I think we've made a deal with them at some point." He said and looked over his shoulder to sneak a look at their faces. 

People within the milieu of organised crime knew that The Panic Room belonged to Vitali. They came here for deals and sometimes for free drinks, promised by Vitali as part of a deal or something. 

Louis came up next to us. "What are those two doing here?" He asked and tried to look inconspicuous. 

"Do you remember where we know them from?" I asked. 

"Yeah, they're the quarter million guys." Louis looked at us like we were idiots. 

Both Niall and I looked over at them and sure enough, I recognised the one that was chatting to Ava. He was the one who said Vitali was a real piece of work. 

Ava looked guarded. My guess was that she could smell a mobster from a mile away. She grew up with these types coming and going in her home, so she probably had the most fine-tuned detector. Liam was on his way over to take their order. His body language showed that he knew something was up; he most likely recognised them. He spoke calmly and took their orders. The one sitting next to Ava gestured for her to say what she wanted, but she looked Liam straight in the eyes and said "I'm good."

Liam came over to us and started lining shot glasses up on a tray. 

"What are we dealing with?" I asked him, while I poured a pint. No one had ordered it, but I needed to look like I was busy doing something. 

"They have a message for Vitali. They want to give it to you." Liam filled the shot glasses with Tequila, and went over with them. I dried my hands on the towel I had hanging over my shoulder, and walked over there. 

Ava locked eyes with me, and I could tell she was nervous. I sent her a small smile, and leaned on the bar. 

"Good evening, gentlemen. To what do we owe the honour?" I said and smiled at the two guys. 

"Good to see you again, Styles." The one sitting next to Ava said. 

"Cat and Ava, why don't you go check the dance floor out for a moment," I suggested, wanting them out of the way in case these guys were here for trouble. 

"Ava?" The one next to her repeated. "Ava Vitali?" 

Ava nodded and smiled carefully at him. "Yes, that's me." She said and tried to look calm. I sensed her worry though, and I kind of just wanted to scoop her up and hide her in my pocket. 

"Well I'll be damned. You're beautiful, Ava. Vitali is a lucky man. I'm Tony, and this over here is Milo. We've had the pleasure of doing business with your husband." He took her hand and kissed it. 

I wanted to punch him, and tell him to stop touching her, but she put on the performance of mobster wife and turned into the woman Vitali expected her to be when he was around or she was out and about. Sexy, sultry, timid. 

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