Yours truly

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Writing this OS because have so many ideas regarding the story. This is from the part where Meerab visits village and sees haya and Murtasim standing too close.

Meerab wasn't well. She had this nauseous effect after having golgappe and was exhausted because of continuous vomiting. And moreover her over excited mother in law thought that she was pregnant. She took enough rest and was waiting for Murtasim who was no where to be seen. She has no idea that maa begum have sent both Murtasim and haya to Village. She was casually strolling in her room when feena informed her about the village tour. Meerab was hurt and wanted to confront Murtasim for his act. She left towards the village inspite of continuous warning from everyone that it would be dangerous for her health.

Once she stepped into the farmhouse at Village she witnessed the scene which broke her heart. Her husband was found too close, way too close with haya much to her dislike. He was holding her face and haya was tracing her hand down his arms. Her sudden entry startled both haya and Murtasim and immediately separated themselves. Murtasim watched Meerab with a wide eye while haya smirked at Meerab. Meerab who had slight tears in her eyes looked at haya's smirk and started to depart. Murtasim understood that Meerab took everything in wrong sense and followed her. He wanted to stop her and wanted to clear her misunderstanding.

Murtasim: Meerab wait. Wait Meerab don't go.

He caught her arm and spun her around.

Meerab: stay away from me Murtasim. Keep that distance.

Murtasim was shocked hearing her but understood that she was angry on him.

Murtasim: Meerab it's not like what you think.

Meerab folded her arms against her chest and asked

Meerab: oh, how do you know what have I thought Murtasim??

Murtasim observed the slight quiver in her voice and he knows she's on verge of breaking down.

Murtasim: Meerab something went inside her eyes so I was checking it that's it.

Murtasim tried to make her understand.

Meerab(with quivering voice): you know what Murtasim i think now these excuses are too old to convince me. You tell me how do I even give this relationship a chance, give US a chance when haya will always be in between us. She never leaves a chance to show her superiority on you over me. She have that permission to sit on our bed and feed you the food too. But guess what she is not doing this just only that she loves you but also to show me as inferior. She wants to be the only person around you , you will always be encouraging all her acts saying haya is just like a sister, she's like mariyam to me. I don't even have enough energy to fight with you Murtasim, but tell me one thing how do you feel when if you find me in the position which I found you just few moments before??

Murtasim was hearing her accusations and at her last question he snapped his head towards Meerab and his eyes turned red and his body became stiff. Meerab who saw the slight change in his demeanor laughed sarcastically.

Meerab: so now you get angry huh?? I agree Murtasim I haven't given you the rights of husband but that doesn't mean that i don't respect our marriage. We are wife and husband even if we disagree ourselves too. I wanted to give this relationship a chance, US a chance but now it feels like so empty. You cannot even imagine me standing so close to a boy, a friend of mine who happens to be a boy celebrating my birthday but here i see haya casually imposing her rights on you, touching you, trailing behind you everytime I see.

Finally Meerab let her insecurities out by letting out tears which ached Murtasim. He wanted Meerab to realise his feelings but in his indirect way of making Meerab jealous he made her extremely insecure. He came forward to cup her face but Meerab swat his hands away.

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