Chapter 5

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Harsh was sitting in the office room, at his home, as he recalled the night's events. He broke the glass vase next to his chair, out of rage, and Anjana came to him hearing that.

"Harsh! What happened?" asked Anjana, petrified looking at the shattered glass on the floor.

"Your son! Your bloody son, what does he think in his mind, huh?" asked Harsh coming to her, with glaring eyes, while Anjana looked at him with a tensed look.

"What type of a son have you given birth to? He made me a laughing stock today, in front of the entire bloody media! What manners have you taught him? First, he got some random girl to launch under my PH. Next, he started getting involved with her, creating headlines all around. And his foolish decision of getting married to that classless girl, moving out of home for that. Now, getting arrested for drunken drives! How have you brought him up?"

Anjana just looked at him with tears filling her eyes, while Harsh asked, "Is he behaving like the son of a millionaire? He just behaves like a third-grade thug..."

"So, what are you, Harsh?"

Harsh was taken aback, to hear that from Anjana. Anjana wiped her tears and came to him closer.

"Tell me Harsh! If my son is a third-grade thug, what are you then?" asked Anjana, "You listed out all the wrong-doings of Adi. Did you ever wonder who forced him to do all that?"

"So, what do you mean to say, I am responsible for this ruthless behavior of his?" Harsh asked, looking at her.

"Can you say a no?" asked Anjana, while Harsh just was spellbound looking at her, and he turned away from her.

"All these days I stayed quiet. I was an obedient wife only to you, but I guess while fulfilling the duties of a wife, I forgot my duties as a mother. That's why today you are pointing out to my upbringing of my child." Anjana said with tears.

"I grew him up with all good manners and discipline only, Harsh. He is my only son and I gave him the best of my teaching in good morals and attitude. That's the reason; he is living with the love for that one girl alone in his life throughout, even after his separation from her with not even a single lady trespassing, unlike you!"

Harsh abruptly turned back at her, and shifted his eye-sight away from her, while Anjana came to him.

"If he left his affectionate mother and lived alone, it's because of you! If he took up smoking and drinking, it's because of you! If he is ruining himself like this day by day, it's only because of you, you, and you!" Anjana said to him, with tears glistening in her eyes.

"I am happy, that my son grew up as per my upbringing, instead of growing up like you! I am proud of that!" Anjana said while Harsh looked at her, "You deserve all these insults and tensions, given by my son! Dare not, talk about my upbringing or my son's morality!"

Anjana walked off from there taking a glance at Harsh, while he just sat at his office chair, recalling what all Anjana said, and banged the table in rage.


Zoya was sleeping, while Aditya sat opposite her and was looking at her. He was yawning and felt sleepy too. Also, Zoya's request for him to stay next to her stopped him from sleeping too. He walked to the washroom and splashed some cold water on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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