Chapter 6

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Your eyes fluttered open to the dark set. Groaning, you tried to get up only to feel a heavy weight pinning your legs to the floor. Suddenly, the door flung open and a flashlight shined on you.

"(y/n)- oh my god! Are you ok?!" Harmony exclaimed, running over to you.

You felt her pull you out from whatever was pinning your legs, wrapping an arm around your waist and hoisting you up.

"What the fuck happened?"

"I-I don't know... and don't yell. My head hurts," you grumbled.

You looked at where her flashlight was shining. Laying on the floor was the front wall of Home.

"I think all that creaking was Home giving up the ghost," you said.

"Yeah, we have to talk to you about that. The audio recorder picked up some really weird stuff in this-"

You glanced up at Harmony, seeing her staring at something.

"What the fuck," she whispered.

"What?" you asked.


Looking at where her flashlight was currently shining, you could see a mass of fabric. It was all different dulled colors. The two of you cautiously walked forward. As you got closer, you could start to make out more distinct shapes. Upon reaching the pile, you reached down and lifted up one of the pieces of cloth, turning it over.

"Wally," you breathed. You noticed Harmony picking up another one of the puppets. "We should take these back to the RV."

She nodded. Gathering up all the puppets, along with your camera, the two of you made your way back to the RV. Once outside the door, you watched Harmony kick it a few times.

"Oh my god! I'm coming!" The door to the RV swung open and Velvet stopped in her tracks, staring at the two of you. "What the hell happened," she said.

"(y/n) almost got crushed by one of the set pieces and then we found the puppets," Harmony said.

"Excuse me?!" you heard Roz yell from somewhere inside.

"I'm fine! Just a little off balance," you called back.

However, you didn't seem to be heard. Roz was immediately at your side, helping you into the RV and making you sit on the bed in the back. You could see Harmony and Vee bringing the puppets inside, the two talking in hushed voices.

"What happened?" Roz asked, gripping your shoulders.

"I was just looking around the studio on my own, and one of the walls on Home just... fell on me. Knocked me out for a little and I had the weirdest dream," you explained, raising a hand to feel the back of your head. There weren't any bumps or wet spots, thank god.

"Wait, Home? Like, that main house you showed us?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?"


"Don't worry about it. You just rest for now. We'll deal with everything for now," Velvet interrupted.

"No, you're telling me what happened," you said.

"We got some really weird audio from the main set. Lots of squeaking, banging, that sort of stuff. And none of it was from us," Roz said.

"Well, it's probably nothing! I mean, it explains why you got whacked in the head by an old studio prop!" Velvet explained.

"Always the non-believer," Harmony mumbled.

"Oh my god, I am just saying that was a warning sign and we should've been more careful!"

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