Chapter 26 : Epilogue

Start from the beginning

Needless to say that the Underworld had changed DRASTICALLY after Blanche's arrival.

Why ?

Apparently when Blanche saw how Thanatos' Kingdom looked like, she had stared at it with a blank expression on her face before looking at him to say bluntly

"This place is as cold and intimidating as you are !"

Thanatos, of course, denied it and it lead to them having their first argument. After a few minutes, the embodiment of Death bowed to her as he lost the argument, agreeing to reshape this place. A part of him was reluctant in doing so but the other part wanted to please Blanche.

Beside, he should have seen it coming with her moving with him...

For the next few days, the two lovers used their powers to completely change the area. Only the Palace was untouched as Blanche ADORED it. She particularly loved the architecture of the building and its inside was also to her liking. What she also liked was the concept of the Four Doors.

Anyway, after days of magical works and several discussion, Thanatos and Blanche were satisfied with the results.

Before, the Underworld was a void-like space, with reddish-pink sky and small rocky 'islands' floating in the air. But now, it looked more welcoming and far nicer than its previous state.

Where previously stood nothing but air and dark ground, now stood fields of green grass and beautiful flowers of white, pink and yellow. We could also see hills and forests surrounding the Palace and it front of the staircase, was a large circular fountain where water poured out of the mouth of a statue... which strangely looked like a Wolf.

Far away from there, a large and wide river filled with crystal water could be seen flowing. The sound of water was simply soothing and Thanatos had to admit that so far, the changes were good.

Later, Blanche used her powers to create a fake sun so days and night could be clearly show in the Underworld. Thanatos himself had find it really useful... while cursing himself for not having thought of that sooner.

The Wolf Faunus also decided to create a little garden to give a personal touch at the Palace. Thanatos had been intrigued by her idea and soon enough accepted.

A fundamental rule : 'Always keep your girl happy'.

The embodiment of Death had decided to let her create the garden as it was her idea and the results had been really amazing.

Situated at the back of the Palace, the garden was really big and wide ,maybe as wide as the Quidditch Pitch, but much more beautiful to look at : a large field of green grass where flowers of different varieties and colors could be seen there and then.

But what really caught the eye was the big tree standing in the middle of the garden : it was a Magnolia Tree with pink and white flowers.

Even Salem had nothing bad to say about the changes Blanche made.

Speaking of the former Queen of Grimm, she was now accustomed to her life in the Underworld and looked happier than ever. Salem took her new role as Guardian of Limbo really seriously and so far was doing a great job. Some of the souls present liked her and it was not rare to see her entertaining them every now and then.

Without the curse hanging on her head, the former Queen of Grimm could released her kind and patient nature.

Of course, from time to time, she would pass some time with her daughters in Elysium. As time passed, she and Blanche became really good friends and could sometimes be seen chatting with one another... talking about whatever they wanted.

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