Chapter 20

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"Now My queen before I tell you you will need to sit down" Demetri said as Felix stood by the door I nodded before walking over to the chair and sat down on it, "Now Mrs. Lockwood was a human before becoming a vampire she find out about vampires in her own town" Demetri said "One day just like today. Mrs. Lockwood walked into the castle with some visitors" Demetri added "Course Mrs. Lockwood knew about our kind and master fall in love with.. her" Demetri said, I eyed Demetri "What" I said as Demetri sighed "Master Aro fall in love with her.." he said again "I know what you said Demetri" I said.

"My queen" Felix said as I turned my head to him "before Demetri tells you something else Mrs. Lockwood did have a baby with Aro" Felix said as I glared at him, "that didn't help us with this Felix" Demetri said before sighing I turned my eyes to Demetri who was eyeing the ground. Once he looked back up he jumped at my glare "please tell me the full story" I said as Demetri nodded "Yes my queen" he said "Master Aro at first didn't like her until" he said, "well until an event changed everything" he said "Mrs. Lockwood had a gift of changing a vampire mate" he said.

"How is he my mate if she used her gift on him" I asked him "Well Mrs. Lockwood want a kid before becoming a vampire" he said as Felix eyed the ground, "by the time we noticed something the baby was born and Mrs. Lockwood become a vampire" Felix said. "Years past and no one heard from Mrs. Lockwood again" Demetri said "well until today" Felix said, "so you are telling me Aro has a kid already" I asked Demetri eyed the ground before nodding his head. 

"Please leave" I said as Demetri and Felix both bowed and left the room I stand up from the chair and walked into the bathroom to find a change of clothes already here, I turned on the shower behind undressing myself and hoping into the shower 'Aro has a kid' I thought to myself over and over again. 'Was Aro going to tell me on his own' I added and added to my thoughts 'Does Jasper know about this' I thought before sighing, "Stop overthinking Violet" I said to myself as I felt the water turn cold I turn off the shower and hope out.

 I walked out of the bathroom after getting dress I eyed my bed to see Caius sitting on the bed "Caius" I said as he turned his head to me, "Violet I'm sure you had a nice shower" he asked me as I nodded "Why are you here Caius" I asked him who sighed before standing up from the bed and walking over to me. "I overheard your chat with Demetri and Felix" he said as he stopped in front of me "Violet please look at me" he said I didn't look at him, "Violet please" he said making me look up at him "you know and you didn't tell me" I said "what do you want me to do Violet" Caius said.

"Tell me the truth and not letting hear it from someone else" I said h sighed "that's for Aro to tell you Violet not me" he said before walking away from me, "where are you going" I asked him "away go to bed Violet" he said before opening the door and leaving the room with the door slamming behind him making me jump. I eyed the ground before walking over to my bed and sitting down on it I don't know if I will fall asleep tonight, I turned to my side to see a book on my bedside table I grabbed it before moving it to the light 'Our Adorable Swan' was the title.

I wake up confused where did I fall asleep last night I looked around my room to see no one I get up from my bed to hear a knock on my door, I turned to the door to see Bella walking into the room "well you look upset" she said "really I didn't notice" I said before walking over to the dresser. "so what happened" she asked me "well where do I start" I said before turning around and leaning against the dresser, "turns out Aro fall in love with Mrs. Lockwood because of a gift she has" I said "Oh" she said as I nodded.

"But that's not the bad part turns out Aro has a kid with her" I said as Bella looks at me shocked "I thought Vampires can have kids" she said as I shake my head, "I don't know how they had a kid but it happened" I said before moving away from the dresser "Good Morning Queen Elle" Jane said. Both Bella and I looked at the door as it opened as Jane walked into the room "Good morning Jane" I said, "You don't sound good  today did something happen" Jane said as I shake my head "No do you need something" I asked her.

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