𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬

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Later that day, after she had showered and changed, Kailani was sat on one of the barstools in the Cameron's kitchen

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Later that day, after she had showered and changed, Kailani was sat on one of the barstools in the Cameron's kitchen. The Combs and Camerons decided to get ready together, meaning Kailani would have to go through two families to convince to not let her got to Midsummers. 

Oh, yeah, that's right. Kailani wasn't going to Midsummers.

After the day she had with John B, she didn't want to go without him, and that became even more significant when she was told that Rafe would be her date to Midsummers. She looked through her phone at the pictures she and John B had taken during their trip, and a small smile was on her face.

"You're not dressed?" a voice asked, and Kailani turned behind her to see Wheezie and Tracey standing behind her.

Wheezie wore a medium length navy blue, and Tracey wore a similar dress, but it was a baby blue. They both wore black flats and their hair was curled.

"No, I'm not going," Kailani told them, and she turned back to her phone, and Tracy and Wheezie came to stand in her line of sight.

"I mean, it's Midsummers," Tracey said, leaning against the counter, "You've been talking about Midsummers since last year."

"You have a date, remember?" Wheezie told Kailani, who nodded.

"Yes, I remember," Kailani said with a sigh, and Tracey sent her s sympathetic look.

At that moment, Rose walked in with Sarah on her tail.

Rose work a hot pink floor-length dress, and Sarah wore a white off the shoulder floor-length dress. They both wore white heels, Sarah's being smaller than Roses. Sarah had a flower crown that fell down the back of her head, while Rose had a metal crown that reminded Kailani of the Statue of Liberty.

"Kailani says she's not going," Wheezie told Rose and Sarah, who both looked at her in confusion.

Sarah chuckled, "The hell she isn't. Both of our fathers are being coronated as Guardian of Knights of the Rhododendron. You're going."

"You're not my mother, I don't have to do what you tell me," Kailani snapped at Sarah, and the two glared at each other in hatred and anger.

"Whatever," Sarah muttered, walking out of the room with a scoff.

Robert and Ward walked into the room, and Rose looked directly at Robert, "Kailani says she's not going."

"Um..." Robert started, but he trailed off as he met eyes with Kailani.

Wheezie sighed and looked to Ward, "She's off Rafe, JoJo."

"Wheezie, Tracey, please. Go," Ward asked, and Rose then lead the girls out of the room, "Thank you very much."

Robert and Ward took seats next to Kailani, as she looked at both of them.

"What's goin' on?" Robert asked his daughter softly.

"I just... don't want to go with Rafe tonight. I don't feel like he is my splinter bean," Kailani explained, and both men looked at her sympathetically.

"I don't know exactly what that means, but it sound to me like you should ignore his ass," Ward told Kailani, and the girl chuckled, "maybe, huh?"

"Probably," Kailani said with a small smile.

Whether she would admit it or not, she loved her father and "uncle".

"Maybe just not tonight, though," Robert told her, "Maybe you could, I don't know-"

"I just don't want to go with him," Kailani said, still being uncomfortable when she was around Rafe alone.

"What if you just paste on a smile and you go, and we have a good time, all right? And you deal with your love life mañana?" Ward suggested, "Please."

"Can I just not be his date?" Kailani asked, "Or at least walk in with someone else?"

Robert glanced at Ward before turning back to his daughter, "How about we have you walk in with Tracey, and Rafe can walk in with Wheezie? Is that better?"

Kailani smiled sadly at her father and nodded slowly, "Yeah, that would be better."

"Okay," Robert said with a smile, "Come here."

Robert and Kailani got up from their seats, and Robert pulled her into a hug, while Ward watched with a smile. Robert then pulled away from the hug and held Kailani by the shoulders.

"Now, go get ready. And we will leave when you're ready," Robert told her, and she nodded.

Kailani walked away, and she grabbed her phone. She pulled up the pictures again, for something to give her a smile, and it ended up helping.

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