Chapter 16

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The castle was shown and the coronation was starting to begin. Snow White was in front of a camera telling the news. "At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all." She announced. The villains were watching over the tv. "I'm snow white." Who are you kidding? She's definitely had work done." The Evil Queen states bitterly throwing popcorn at the tv.

Snow White spots Fairy Godmother. "Oh, Fairy Godmother is looking radiant. But what is happening with Jane's hair?" she states after seeing Jane's hair was back to short. The camera then shows the magic wand. "And there is Fairy Godmother's wand." Snow White states

Maleficent got closer to the screen as if she could grab it from the tv. "I want that wand!" She states loudly. Cruella, looking unimpress bluntly said, "Do you? Hadn't heard." Ursula used her tentacle to pull the dark fairy away.

"Barnacles we want to watch move it." Captain Hook exclaims. Gaston was about to say something. "Not a word out of you be happy we brought you." Pitch states said, shoving an egg into the hunter's mouth.

Back to Auradon

"Here we have Queen Elsa Frost and returning after disappearing 16 years ago we have King Jackson Frost and Princess Eira Juniper more commonly known as EJ Frost." Snow White announces. Jack was wearing an ice blue suit with darker blue accents and dress shoes and his crown. EJ was wearing an ice blue dress with snowflakes scattered all over and was wearing a circlet crown with blue gems shaped like snowflakes.

Snow White sees Ben and Mal. "Oh, and here comes Ben now."

Ben notices Mal looking nervous. "Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there." He told her. Mal smiles at the complement. Ben took off his ring that he would play with when he was nervous. "Mal, would you wear my ring?" he asks, handing her his ring.

Mal looked at him with wide eyes. "Um... not now. I think it would probably just fall right off of me." She declined as she handed him the brownies. Ben smiled. "Yeah. It's just for later, you know, when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy." she added hoping he wouldn't eat it right away.

Ben smiled, liking how she thinks about other things and said, "Always thinking. But I can't wait." Mal tried to stop him but it was too late. She noticed nothing seemed different.

Mal looks nervous as she asks, "Would you say that you're still in... that... that you have very strong feelings for me?" Ben looks at her. "I'm not sure. I mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect." he told her looking forward. "Yeah... Okay. What? What? You knew?" She realized what he did just as Ben started laughing.

Ben: "That you spelled me? Yeah. Yeah, I knew"

Mal: "I'm... I can explain myself"

Ben shook his head not letting her. "No, look, It's fine. EJ told me that you had a crush on me. I was with Audrey. You didn't trust that it could happen on its own. Am I right?" he asks. Mal

Mal nodded happily that EJ covered for her. "Yes. You're so right. So, then, how long have you known?" She asks wanting to know when the spell was lifted. "Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the Enchanted Lake." he told her.

Mal almost looked hurt as if she was being tricked. "So then what? You've just been... Faking it since then?" she asks, her voice sounding unsure. Ben put his ring on Mal's finger then looked into her eyes. "I haven't been faking anything." he told her. Mal smiled, happy to know he really did love her.

The carriage came to a stop and Ben was helping Mal out. The villains were surprised to see Mal. The Evil Queen was stunned saying, "Well, If it isn't..."

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