Still, he needed a few minutes to cope.

"Your mother and I are watching our show," he informed the excited toddlers,"once it's over, we'll put Froggy Friends on for you and your brother."

"Kay," Maruto nodded before inviting himself to the domestic bliss huddle on the couch.

Hinata opened her arms for the little boy, lifting him up with the help of her husband, settling him nearly atop her belly in the grove her left side and the couch created.

"Awwwwww," Haruto pouted, turning wounded puppy dog eyes on his mother, "but I wanna watch it now, mama."

"Haruto," Naruto called, eyes and voice a low grade warning.

Naruto knew his short-tempered boy was gearing up for an afternoon toddler tantrum the moment he got a glimpse of the mutinous expression on his face.

Blue eyes already sparking, bottom lip jutting out in defiance.

Naruto knew that look all to well.

He was too much like his older brother, and way too much like his father had been as a child.

"Haruto," his mother called next, hand extended out to her redheaded baby, "come cuddle with mama."

With the efficiency of a wash cloth, his wife wiped that rebellious look right off their child's face, a more melancholy pleading expression painting his baby face.

"Don't want cuddies mama," the boy whined, holding up the colorful DVD case like she hadn't seen it the first time, "want moobie,"

"But mama wants cuddles, she only got one from her little man today," his wife insisted, "mama's sad without her cuddles."

Thin shoulders slumping, a hilarious mimicry of Boruto's 'mama defeated me' exasperated sigh leaving his chest, her designated 'little man' sat the DVD on the floor, mumbling a stretched out, "okayyyy," as he shuffled over to his awaiting mother.

He was definitely too much like his father.

Absolute putty in Hinata's hands.

Naruto chuckled, helping Haruto up to his wife's other side, half lying atop Naruto's abdomen.

Getting more comfortable deeper in his nook, Naruto stroked his hardheaded son's tiny back with his thumb as their combined weight settled into him.

Half an hour later, their show was over and Naruto was three minutes into pure torture.

He'd wanted grab Hinata and exit stage left the moment he put it on, but the boys insisted they needed to watch this move for the seven thousandth time along side with them.

His brain was starting to numb out though, so he was grateful for that.

However, luck was on his side.

An angel saved him from his torment.

"I'm home!"

"In here Hima!" he called out desperately.

Hinata paused the show with a subtle giggle.

Haruto popped up from his place besides his parents, eyes rapt on the hallway to watch his sister enter.

Naruto's little Princess skipped through the archway, smiling brightly and lighting up the room.

He held out a hand to her, scooping her into his side and the pile against his chest, laying a huge loving kiss to her crown as he gave her a one armed hug.

"Hima!" Haruto called, raising his arms to her.

Dipping down, Hima wrapped her arms around the young boy, smooching his pudgy cheeks with loud, exaggerated smacks.

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