A Day in the Life of the Uzumaki Family

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Chapter One

A Day in the Life of the Uzumaki Family

Prompt: Domestic

No more after this, he'd said.

This is the last one, he'd promised.

One kid free night, a bottle of sake and a huge laps in judgment had made him a liar.

Well, maybe not a liar, he'd never been that, and it wasn't like he hadn't meant the words and promise he made, in fact, he still meant them despite the futility of the sentiment now, and, to be fair to himself, he'd done everything he could to make certain he kept his word prior to that one night. Despite knowing this wasn't entirely his fault alone, he couldn't help but feel guilty about the outcome.


...and buzzing with excitement.

The latter of which made him feel even more guilty...though not enough to wipe away the blindingly sunny smile currently etched on his lips.

Standing in front of the kitchen sink with his sleeves rolled up and still basking in the high of this morning's reveal, Naruto didn't fight the happiness erupting inside his chest. He probably looked like a nutjob standing there grinning so wide his jaws ached, silently peacocking over the news.

To be honest, he didn't give a shit in that moment what he looked like.

Brimming with the familiar, chest puffing sensation of masculine pride, overflowing love and energetic anticipation, the Seventh Hokage indulged a silent fist pump in his kitchen.

He was damn near vibrating with a happiness that hurt.

If his life got any more fuckin amazing, he was sure it'd kill him.

From the moment he fell for Hinata Hyuuga, his life had changed.

It felt like he was living the dream he used to have right before they became an item.

A dream in which he was not just the leader of the village, not just the husband of a kind woman that loved him, but surrounded by the love and laughter of his children.

In that dream, he'd had a family...

A painful ache bloomed in his chest.

He swallowed hard, embarrassed by the lump in his throat.

He was living that dream now...

Childish giggles from the living room snapped him from his surprisingly emotional celebration, reminding him he had children that needed a nap soon and dishes that needed to be washed.

Reaching for composure and the tap, Naruto turned the running water off, then grabbed the top plate from the dirty ceramic stack waiting on the counter. He dunked the plate beneath the fluffy suds floating atop the warm water, and fished the sponge from the bottom of the sink with his other. He scrubbed the rounded ceramic with more vigor than needed for the spaghetti sauce reside, too excited to clean the plate with anything but high energy enthusiasm.

Once he finished with that plate, he turned the water on, rinsed it and held it up, squinting to make sure it was clear of sneaky residue the way Hinata showed him.

It was clean, and sparkling.

Moving next to the dish rack, he moved the sopping plate to the grooves of the plastic drying rack only to find it still filled to the brim with yesterday's clean dishes.


He forgot to put away the dry ones on the rack and the ones in the dishwasher, too busy breaking up a tussling match between Boruto and Kawaki early this morning; all that bickering and yelling had thrown off his routine. Clearly he'd gotten a little too complacent after living in a relatively peaceful household for the last few weeks; first sign of drama and he folded.

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