For Him

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A prequel of the one-shot called A Mother's Approval from the NaruHina fair last year!

Chapter Four

For Him

Prompt: Yakuza AU


For the first time in her young life, surrounded by strangers on a busy college campus, Hinata Hyuuga tasted freedom.

It was a little scary, living outside a bird cage.

So many people, so many faces, so many unknowns surrounding her.

And yet...

Despite the whirls of anxiety tying her insides in knots, and the rapid tapping in her chest, Hinata felt more hopeful than she could ever remembering feeling.

Nothing could be worse than what she left behind.



"So, can anyone tell me why GDP per capita differ from average family income?"

Hinata jotted down the question in her Intro to Economic's notebook, highlighting it in pink once she'd finished. She knew the answer, it was in the this week's reading material, but from her experience of college life, if a professor asked a question like this, the chances of it showing up on a test or exam was pretty high. She wanted to make sure she'd made a note of it to add to her study materials once midterms and finals came around.

She debated raising her hand to answer Professor Iruka's question, but the idea of drawing the attention of the entire lecture hall made her more than a little queasy.

The decision was taken from her when another hand raised, and a familiar voice filled the wide room.

"Professor Umino, what's GDP?"

A pin could drop and it'd be probably sound as loud as a grenade going off.

This wasn't the first time such a stunning question had been asked from the same student in the last two weeks, but it seemed as though the class hadn't fully been desensitized to the outrageousness of the questions.

"Mr. Uzumaki," Iruka sighed, clamping his forehead between his fingers as though warding off a headache, "did you read any of this week's material?" Iruka asked.

"Uhhh, kind of?"

"Mr. Uzumaki-"

"I didn't have enough time to finish, three chapters, thirty to forty pages a chapter, that's too much to read in a week, dattebayo!" an exasperated Mr. Uzumaki burst, "what's the point of paying all this money if all we do is read three hundred pages and get asked questions? Shouldn't we be reading this in class and ya know, learning here."

"This isn't high school, Mr. Uzumaki, you're expected to be able to be disciplined and responsible enough to self educate."

"Self educate," the blonde pondered aloud, "then what do we need a professor for?"

Hinata's snorted giggle cut through the awkward exchange.

Shocked that she'd release such a sound at such inappropriate moment, she covered her mouth, cheeks hot against her palms.

Oh god...

The class joined her, laughing and chuckling as Professor Umino exhaled exasperation.

Stealing a glance at her befuddled classmate, Hinata prayed he hadn't heard her giggle first.

🧡💜ภคгยђเภค ๓๏ภtђ 2023🧡💜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon