Nothing Else Matters

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Part two of the one-shot from last year's NaruHina fair prompt called Make Love Not War

Chapter Three

Nothing Else Matters

Prompt: War and Love

I'm doing the right thing...

Staring through the open shutters of her bedroom window, Hinata watched as the vibrant ribbons of sunflower, carmine, and lilac trailed the setting sun; twilight leaving streaks of deep indigo in their wake.

Heart in her throat, she told herself one more time...

I'm doing the right thing.

Her stomach clenched as the words rattled around her head, fighting the obscure voice whispering she was wrong .

Darkness crept inside her room, eating away fading strands of light, amplifying the muted flicker of the single candle sitting on her vanity.

Raising the blade in her clammy hand, she tilted the three side kunai towards the light.

Her eyes moved over the intricate script wrapped around the handle, the familiar etchings that would bring the man she loved more than anything to her side in an instant.

She swallowed hard, hand shaking for several beats, before she placed in the false drawer of her vanity.

It hurt.

God it hurt, but...

She didn't have a choice.

She wasn't doing this for clan, she wasn't doing it for Konoha.

She was doing this for him .

Everything she'd done, everything she was about to do, was for him.

A knock at her door sent her stomach plummeting to her feet. She closed her eyes, drawing a near silent shuddering breath through her struggling lungs.

"You've been summoned," a low, feminine voice whispered through the door.

Light footsteps retreated down the hall.

As cold fingers of panic seized her throat, Hinata pressed her hand over the drawer, ensuring no one would ever find the forbidden item even if she never returned for it.

I'm doing the right thing...

He'd see that, in time...

Wouldn't he?

He'd see that...

I'm doing the right thing.


Dark clouds stretched across the night sky, blocking the glow of the silvered moon, casting the Village Hidden in Clouds in heavy shadows.

Hinata landed soundlessly on the sturdy branch of a towering tree just outside the high walls.

Slender veins stretched towards her narrowed eyes, outlining her hidden pupil within the liquid lavender of her eyes.

She flinched as bright light pierced her skull.

Distortion Screen.

A combination of chakra, dust minerals and an S rank barrier ninjutsu, Distortion Screens were the bane of dōjutsu users.

The Hyuuga in particular.

They started in Suna following the assassination of a high ranking official and had only become more popular and widely used among the Elemental Nations as even more dignitaries fell at the hands of Konoha's secret weapon; Death Touch.

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